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sensay last won the day on May 1 2010

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About sensay

  • Birthday 05/21/1975

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  1. I absolutely vape more often than I smoked but I also have worked my way down the nic levels to adjust. I also switched to VG.
  2. I just converted a friend to ecigs, I remember there were alot of helpful videos for newbs posted here and I cant find them. Can someone direct me to them please?? THanks!
  3. very nice review!!!
  4. I am all VG !! Id love to see it added to vapor talk!!!
  5. thanks for the review!!! Gonna check them out!
  6. I got more juices from Dats Vaper and once again felt the need to share. I am soooo impressed with what I have tried so far. All these juices were 100 % vg and there was NO flavor loss what so ever and they produce mad vapor!! He sent me a Spearmint he is working on and he nailed it! The spearmint rocks!!! I have tried others that I did not like and i am very picky about my mints! I do not like the ones that taste like mouthwash! Dats has a great minty taste . Kinda like eclipse spearmint gum! I also tried the peach on the suggestion of a friend and This is a very nice sweet peach flavor. This could defiantly be another one of my favorites. My favorite so far of this batch Is a sample of another flavor he is working on. LIME COKE!!! Its ROCKS!! This stuff is so good!!! I was shocked. Most of the colas I have tried did not even come close. Dats was awesome! The perfect flavor with a yummy lime taste!! I dont often buy big bottles because I like to try all the flavors but I will buy the biggest bottle he has of this one Green apple!! I am so excited about this one because i have the perfect way to explain it!! It tastes like green apple laffy taffy! LOVE IT I would have reviewed more but I made the mistake of buying the butter rum and I love it soooo much!lol! I will tear myself away from the butter rum and review some more tonight!
  7. nana I highly suggest it! His prices are great and the juice is great quality. I ordered more last night! I cant wait to try it, Ill let you guys know how they are!
  8. Dats vapor cinny hots rocked my socks off! I ordered 100 percent vg. I noticed with other vg flavors there is alot of flavor loss! Not the case with this juice! Has a full flavor that tastes just like the candy! The shipping is super fast and he has great customer service I also tried 100 percent VG butter rum! This is now my all day vape. It blows TV butter rum away! The flavor is great! and lastly I tried MT Dew 100 % vg. I have tried many types of MT Dew because I am addicted to the drink, Dats version is the closest to the real thing I have found! I am very happy with this vendor and will order many more times!! http://www.datsvaper.com/ __________________
  9. Those are both the ones I have been using as well!!! I LOVE the fluval!!
  10. Thank you so much for the tips!!! I have the nic juice, the vg , pg. I am working on flavorings right now. I have been to every walmart , joannes, hobby shop looking for loranns . I have not had any luck yet. I just ordered (guess from where) Fairy's Finest lmao!!! just my luck!!! Will keep on trying!
  11. What a cool thread! I am collecting the things I need to do diy! I cant wait to jump in and see what I can do!! Thanks for the tips!
  12. I agree with many of the posts! I have a 510 and love it!
  13. lol! yes fail..... I scream when it was over "I got soooooooo close!!!!". And hubby says "close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades"...truth hurts lol
  14. I got over a million as well( I thought I had you beat lmao) On mine i played for a bout 25 minutes I guess. At the end I hit a top cloud at the highest power and it shot the little guy straight up in the air VERY high. It took forever going up and coming back down! And that's how my score got so high! So it is possible! I hope you enjoy your joker. Congrats!
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