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    tynik reacted to Viper Ron in Hi Everyone!   
    Welcome to VT
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    tynik reacted to kitsune in Hi Everyone!   
    Congrats and Welcome !!! Vaping beats smoking hands down. I was one of the fortunate people that was able to quit as soon as I started vaping....30 year smoker, 4 year vaper.
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    tynik got a reaction from kitsune in Hi Everyone!   
    Glad to have found this forum! My sister introduced me to vaping a few months ago and I slowly switched over during the course of about 2-3 weeks I would use my e-cig while still smoking but cutting down. I decided 2 weeks ago that I really didn't need to smoke anymore and I was done! I had smoked for 20 years. I am happy to say that I am on day 15 of being smoke free and it has been SOOOOO easy!! I haven't even had the slighest desire to smoke a nasty cigarette! Not only has it been easy but, it is also fun! No more having to go outside to smoke all the time, my kids don't tell me I stink, I'm not washing my hands continuously to try not to stink, I am breathing easier already and I don't cough in the mornings!
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    tynik reacted to Jeffb in Hi Everyone!   
    Congrats and welcome
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    tynik reacted to mischi3vous in Hi Everyone!   
    Welcome to Vapor Talk. Think I am finally about ready to make the big jump to no more cigarettes with vaping. I've cut down my smoking dramatically from 2 packs a day to just 5 cigarettes and I must say that I definately like the taste of the e-cig juice better than smoking tobacco.
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