That isn't the way to go. I still own an njoy npro kit, hasn't seen the light of day for years, good batts, but junk carto and flavors are nasty, vapor is minimal no matter what you do. It will get you off analogs, but you won't be happy, and you'll be spending more money a week from now. Njoy is old school vape, so many better choices, at less cost, and no cute lights on the end!
You can get a generic ego style battery, charger, and a clearomizer for under 20, get a SMALL bottle of juce, and give it a try, then if still ready to make the change, invest a cartons worth of cash to good batts, a few clearos, couple tanks, and a few good juices, and you'll never look back.....
NJOY is NJUNK.... Stay away, you can have mine for free........