The problem there is eyesight and stiff old broken hands..I can't even roll a homemade anymore ! Hoping the larger size apparatus makes it easier to learn off of, and go tiny if I get into it, would need a big magnifier setup!!
So I'm thinking this one would be a great place to start ( as I have to, nobody at the shop knows squat about rebuildables, so I get to be the expert, geez)
A good one to learn on? Medic? Rix ?
I always remember cuz I started 4/20. I no longer state when I quit stinkies. I state when I started Vaping. I think it's a more positive day to remember. I tell myself " if the car dealer can do it, anybody can" !!!!!!! With ya I never thought life would feel this good again.....
Yep Sweater you need at least a couple flavors to get started, my our taste buds will get tired of one flavor, and all of a sudden you can't taste it anymore, so you switch out and presto!