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Everything posted by joe2003

  1. I've read that the enjoy kings have large amounts of nic. The strongest is around 30mg,I'm sure that's why they suggest that you limit the amount of puffs. I think if you got a kit and got juice around 12-18mg it would be fine. Just remember to listen to your body it will tell you if you're getting too much nic.Headaches, queasy stomach,jitters etc... I won't be much help with the euro plugs but I believe you can get adapters suitable for charging e-cigs.Hopefully someone will chime in soon who knows for sure. Welcome and good luck with vaping. Edit: yes I have read that nic is absorbed through the membranes in the mouth so you do get some nic even if you don't inhale.
  2. congrats snubber! We really need to get chat up and going again It's so much better to be able to hear folks and learn about the way they express themselves.It really adds a lot to the way you read their posts if you have an idea of the type of inflections they use. My own personal southern charm just doesn't come thru as well in print for example lol Besides I really miss talking with all of you!
  3. As stated above it's a very individual thing. I go through ~4ml/day sometimes more.
  4. Welcome! Good luck with the switch. Vaping indoors is much nicer than smoking in the cold,rain,snow,heat etc...lol
  5. Welcome,sounds like you've got some nice toys I still haven't tried the RBA's but have you tried oxidizing the mesh before you roll it into a wick? Seems I read somewhere that this helps with the hot spots and helps keep the coil from shorting. I dunno just guessing lol.
  6. Well Thanks to you two I've just placed orders for multiple items from both of these vendors lol. That along with my monthly juice order from awesome vapor of 10- 16 ml bottles should last me for a while I sure hope so anyway cause now I'm broke again for the month Thanks for the tips yall
  7. I have no idea what you want to accomplish but I do know that the Henley disposables can be easily filled with whatever you like. Take the cap off the mouthpiece,remove the tank and empty it refill then reinsert. HTH
  8. Hmmm looks like Clark is moving eminentvapor to a new site It says you can still email him for ordering etc... HTH
  9. I would suggest filling those cartos all the way full just to be sure you don't burn them I went to the local hardware store and got a 1/4" saddle valve to punch my cartos with, only 7 bucks and works much better than hammering a nail into a slippery round tube lol. I usually don't use VG liquids but I seem to be in the minority That tank looks pretty good and I hope your juices are awesome lol.
  10. Sweet! Thanks Tam, I guess I'll be ordering from them tomorrow then
  11. Has anyone here done business with these folks? They seem to have the best price on the Vision Spinner and some of the best prices I've found on Boge cartos too.
  12. Welcome and Congrats,sounds like you got a nice kit. Something to keep in mind is that high VG content may not wick very fast in the Boge cartos (ymmv depends on the particular juice) So initially you may not want to crank the lava tube up to high or try to chain vape until you see how it's gonna do I haven't personally used that tank or those juices so I'm not sure. You'll get to experiment lol. Good luck and happy vaping!
  13. I think it's good for new members and guests to get started in. Maybe adding a few links to some of the site features and posts would be helpful to them. meh what would I know,I found an easy workaround for it the first day lol
  14. Merry Christmas yall or Happy holidays if Christmas isn't your thing Hope yall have a blessed and wonderful New Year!
  15. It's all a gamble,not saying Chinese juice is 100% safe but I haven;t seen any vids from U.S. vendors showing their clean rooms and USP ingredients either Just sayin
  16. Bwahahaha BLUE FLAMERS!!!
  17. Yep,I had an issue with too much VG giving me a sour belly. Certain juice flavors does this also. Usually if I keep the VG low it's not an issue,I try to stay around 20% VG or less.
  18. hmm maybe the coil is shorting against the side of the carto? I've heard that will give a metallic taste. lol prolly not tho I'm just guessin. The good thing is how easy they are to replace
  19. The vivi has good flavor but it just can't keep up with my vape pace.I go through ~4ml of juice a day! Even if I turn it upside down after every vape I still get dry hits. Mine has the long wicks and I use awesome vapor chinese juice mostly so not much if any VG in it to slow the wicking. Thanks Rixter,those look interesting except for the reported airy draw. At that price it's def. worth a look see. Hi jeff
  20. I'm still lovin my Boge cartos best with the vivi nova tank a distant 2nd. For a long time now I've been using a homemade syringe tank with my Boge's but I'd like to get something nicer! What would yall suggest in the way of a nice Boge style tank? Does anyone besides me even still use Boges? lol
  21. The WHO does not care about individuals. Quit or die,it's the same message from every so called health org. Besides in their eyes smokers/vapors are a less productive more costly,as far as health care,2nd class citizen that they would be better off without. It's the same reasoning that lets drunk drivers have the freedom to be multiple repeat offenders,sooner or later they'll die from their actions and be one less statistic drawing from the health care resources. Lets face it,with 7 billion people in the world,individuals have no value to the so called leaders we have.Any advancements will have to come as a collective effort so that those in power see a loss in revenue or we won't have any bargaining power at all.... hmmm guess i better get off this soap box and go take a nap before someone decides I have strong and possibly anti-establishment opinions
  22. Asteroids was great,Galaga too. I could zone out on 'em for hours
  23. Just saw this on another forum about one of my other interests. My intro to video gaming was the home version of this in 1975. Yes I'm that old! lol I also had an odyssey in 1980 but that's another history lesson Gamers should celebrate the birthday of the one that started it all! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pong
  24. Just saw a vid on this,it seems to be Johnson Creek's version of an eGo It has 510 threads on the batt with usb charging on the bottom plus bottom led. The cartomizers appear to be proprietary,not sure how they managed that with a 510 connection tho lol
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