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Everything posted by joe2003

  1. Unless I am misunderstanding you,DO NOT use oil based flavors. Serious damage to the lungs can occur! Check out the DIY e-liquid forum here for lots of good info.
  2. This **** in a truck pulled out in front of me!
  3. OK now I see what you're saying and yes it does make sense but: It seems like doubling the length of wire to make the circuit would at least double your resistance.Not sure how well that would work. Again hopefully some of the experienced coil builders will be along soon to help out.
  4. I have a fairly new SID so I can tell you it does have multiple display options. You can set it for no display or batt voltage or coil ohms or voltage /wattage, they only show when you hit the fire button. The little metal button is very positive and clicky,in fact it's loud lol.It has a very short easy throw and seems to work really well. My only two complaints with it are the (rattlesnake)33.3mhz chip and the smoked out screen.It's very hard for me to see the display in bright light,not a prob indoors under normal incandescent lights.I really haven't used it very much because it just doesn't suit my tastes so it'll prolly wind up in the classifieds lol.
  5. HI and welcome. I've never heard of the king clone got any pics? I thought from neg.to lead to wraps to lead to pos. was a complete circuit so not sure what you're asking. Hopefully some of our better coil builders will be along soon to help out.
  6. joe2003

    Mech mods

    I think the main differences,other than appearance,are the type of activators and the type of materials.Activators can be bottom button,mechanical side switch etc...some are spring loaded and move independently to contact the batt,others are magnetic with no spring and some move the batt itself into contact position. I think the materials are chosen for 3 reasons:looks,texture and conductivity since some things are better at letting current flow than others. If you decide to kick a mod you are completely changing the function of it. A kick will turn a direct current device,meaning whatever voltage the batt has is roughly what you get to the atty,into a regulated device.Meaning you set the watts you want and the right voltage gets delivered to the atty more or less constantly until the batt is too low to work. Right now there are 2 types of kick that I know of.1 is the two versions from evolv vapor, they use a ~800mhz type chip to give what feels like a direct current vape,it's very smooth at boosting the voltage and some of us think it's the better vape. The 2nd type from segeli and smoktech use the 33.3mhz (rattlesnake) chip and give you the same type of vape as the Vamo,SID,Lavatube etc...they seem to work great for folks who use the CE style tanks. Wow,that got long winded huh? Anyway I hope it helps a li'l bit
  7. I'll give ya two formulas. The first is Voltsxvolts/ohms=watts so a 2 ohm atty at 4 volts would be 4vx4v=16v/2ohms=8watts. The next will also show amps and it is:volts/ohms =amps then amps x volts =watts so 4volts/2ohms =2amps then 2amps x 4volts = 8watts. All that really isn't necessary because the vamo will auto set itself in wattage mode. if you put a 2ohm carto on it it will read that so if you set 8 watts it will automatically deliver 4 volts. The trick is to check the ohms of the device that you put on it then start out at low wattage and move up until you find your sweet spot.That will give you a general range for what wattage you prefer then adjust for different juices. It sounds a lot more fiddly than it is plus it's a lot of fun to mess with lol.
  8. Joye doesn't recommend anything below 2.0 on the eGo's due to the mosfet not being able to handle higher amp draws. It may work for awhile but will eventually kill the PV and could have a kaboom event.
  9. I use smoktech 1.7ohm single coil pre-punched cartos with good results. My juices are mainly 80pg/20vg or 90pg/10vg
  10. If you have a multi-meter you can check the resistance of the CE4 to see if it's popped. You can also test the eGo-t to make sure it's firing. Most likely,if the coil hasn't popped,you'll need to pull up the center pin of your PV. You can use a tweezer,it'll only need to move a mm or so Almost forgot to add that you should clean all connections at least daily. A q-tip and alcohol works good for this.
  11. I hadn't heard of them before but a google search showed them to be a joye knockoff
  12. blu is 510 threaded so you can use any 510 batts like eGo or vision spinner to get a better,longer charge time vape from your blu cartos but be aware the blu batts are the same as joye 510 stick batts.
  13. PROVARI!!! This answer is brought to you for the entertainment of robv1978
  14. Take a look at these http://www.vaportalkstore.com/product-p/evod-starter-kit-black.htm Fairly compact and refillable.
  15. Stick it in the freezer for ~an hour,the cold should make it contract enough to loosen up. Of course it could also make it crack so try at your own risk lol. It can't be used as is so it may be worth a try
  16. Cool light show,hate the sound track! Guess I'm just a grumpy ol' man lol
  17. So,you think it'll stick out like a sore thumb? Good luck and hopes for fast healing.
  18. Hot red head in control with a Glock! nom nom nom I laughed at the expression on dudes face just before he passed out lol
  19. "Back in the day" RN4081's had the most durable and flavorful atty and carto coils. The trouble was that the threads were so odd that no one made new and improved goodys to go with them,so now they are just old skool cigalikes that haven't kept up with the market. Pros=good flavor and vapor for the size and fairly durable.Nice if you want to stay with a cig sized unit. Cons=poor batt life because they are so small,DD is a pain due to not having any sealed manual batts so the autos end up clogged up.No tanks or other upgrades that I know of. Price isn't on par with the 808 style and isn't as easy to find replacement parts. HTH
  20. My preferred vapes are 1 Direct dripping 2 Boge cartos 3 Smok 1.7 ohm cartos 4 Evod/T3s/MT3 5 other I like the taste cartos have and i normally get 3-5 wks on 1 if kept in a tank and I don't goof and let it run dry. Good taste,long lasting,economical and mostly fiddle free that's why cartos are the vape for me
  21. If the V5 mixes the V2 outie with a V3 innie wouldn't that make it a V4 ?!? or was there already a V4?
  22. I'm that way too lol The only reason I don't post more is Jeff and his ban hammer. I think he's going through male menopause for the last 4 yrs. lol
  23. Tips: 1st- It isn't necessary to post the same question multiple times. You've already gotten some good answers,if they weren't what you wanted to hear ask for clarification. lol 2nd- Never vape a coil until you know the resistance unless you're an expert coil builder.sub ohm builds can be disastrous if mishandled. 3rd- learn to vape on pre-built units until you know what your juices are supposed to taste and vape like.Randomly building coils is a just practice until you have an idea what you want from them and what will work well on your PV. And a Q: How do you know it's a 3.2 ohm head if it hasn't been wrapped yet? The coil determines the ohms not the unit it's being put in. As far as tips on how to wrap the coils refer to your original post,they were asking q's to better know how to help with your individual situation.If you just want general guidelines folks here can help with that as well as youtube vids on techniques. P.S. Different juices like different watts to perform their best,many don't work well at higher power etc.
  24. What a coincidence,my style is Southern FATboy mostly gray sweats lol
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