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Everything posted by joe2003

  1. Am I the only one who had to UP the power to get rid of that annoying tickle and get a good solid throat hit with no cough? Lowering the nic didn't do it for me and I don't react well to too much VG so going up in watts was all that worked for me. When I use a mech and the voltage gets too low I still get that tickle and cough sometimes even after all these years lol. Yes JeffB I already know I'm odd,no need for you to point it out TYVM!
  2. I think the term for it is "Chimpout" Don't crucify me,I didn't invent the term but I think it aptly describes whats happening. Although it's probably insulting to the real primates.
  3. Way to go BC,I'm lovin that big tobacco and big pharma are hatin all these success stories
  4. oops! dunno what I did wrong on the link lol. Sorry to hear you had a bad deal Tam.Is it in the supplier reviews? I'd like to know more.
  5. http://sweet-vapes.com/batteries/vision-spinner/vision-spinner-1300mah-variable-voltage-batteries.html
  6. http://www.ecigarette-research.org/research/index.php/research/research-2015/195-ecig-net More good news
  7. Ummm,I'm far from qualifying as a nerd or geek BUT Can I get extra credit for keeping a 10+ yr.old Dell Dimension 4600 Pentium4 with all original internals running? Christopher can verify this dinosaur,He's had access. lol P.S. I'm not gonna show my mancave cause all this cedar tounge-n-groove + gun porn + antique VHS porn might break the interwebs hahaha!
  8. That just proves I don't watch NASCAR, I thought rubbin was foreplay!
  9. https://www.yahoo.com/health/secondhand-e-cig-vapor-can-penetrate-paint-what-113444498677.html
  10. Good job Fishguy! The good news is it just keeps gettin better
  11. I'm on a PC and I use Firefox. If I've got a pic on my HD I just choose:more reply options in the bottom right corner. Then where it says Attach Files,hit the browse button go to my pic file and select it. then hit attach this file. Not a computer guru so if this isn't what you're looking for,my bad lol just tryna help
  12. Sweet home AlaBbbrrama. Sat out in a camp chair in shortsleeves all afternoon yesterday dozing in the warm sunshine.Woke up this A.M. to 24* and an ice storm that's still blowin.
  13. Welcome csimmons and good luck on your vaping journey There's a section here for any type of question or input you have,ask away. The support from folks here is excellent,both moral and technical.
  14. Dang I think ima try to get that logo screen printed on a cap Hey Dayvape,I switch juices so rarely that I'm still using the 801's I got from you as drip testers. lol They still work good at ~5 volts hahaha
  15. Leaving batts unattended while charging is a bad idea IMO. Li-Ion batts can and do over heat,vent etc, and cause fires. That includes cell phones,laptops,and flashlights that use LI-Ion. There are several vape suppliers who sell charging bags that will contain the heat so you may want to invest in one or two if you can't stay close to your batts while they charge. JMO HTH
  16. I'm very sorry for your loss and the pressure you are under trying to get to your father. Wanting a cig for comfort and stress relief is normal IMO. My mother passed in july of last year then my sis-in-law a week or so later and my father in September. I had a smoke or two after each one,mainly just commiserating with my family most of whom are still smokers. Until then I hadn't had an analog in years and I haven't had any since then. I don't think 1 or 2 under extreme stress wil be a big deal as long as you don't let them take over again. Best wishes for you and I hope you can make the trip to see your dad.
  17. Maybe we should start an OG club lol I could be the sgt.at arms and Jeff can be the enforcer. We'll let BirdDog be the sexy whatever she wants to be. Oh and we'd need some cool OG Vaper patches too hahaha
  18. HI Ms.BirdDog! Always a pleasure to hear from you!
  19. hmmm just went to the VT store and noticed the pro tank single coils will fit the aero, I think I'll pick up a pack to try next time I order. I've been using the dual coils so these should cut juice consumption considerably
  20. Thanks Jeff Tam,is the pro tank mini anything like the T3S or the aerotank mini? I have both of those and while they're ok the aero is a juicehog and every time I fill the T3S it drips juice thru the mouth piece as soon as I take the base off even if I vape it almost dry
  21. So I joined VT 5 years ago and I have to say it was one of the best decisions I've ever made! There's no way I can fully express my thanks to Christopher and many others here for the help and support they've provided.All the fun I've had with Birddog,Jeffb,Mark and all the folks who used to stay up all night in chat BS'ing on vaping and any other subject that came along is priceless. I still miss seeing posts from folks like MiataFrank,Brian,Snubber,Uma...Oh and one of my all time fave trolls is back too: Hi Dayvape Vaping really started out as a hobby for me,always lookin for the next PV or the search for a coil that would last indefinitely lol. I never was a cloud chaser and sub-ohming holds no interest for me,Building coils is beyond my patience and skills too.I have made a few nice mods that I still occassionally use though. These days the hobby aspect has kinda dimmed and I just use vaping as a habit replacement. Mainly I use Boge or Smoktech cartos in a tank with Spinner style batts.Convenience is the main thing I look for now which is why I still sometimes use cigalikes.Greensmoke are my faves in this area. The message I have for any smoker who wants to get away from tobacco is:VAPING WORKS If you give it a chance and learn some basic safety guidelines it can be a life changer! My thanks to all the newer members who've stepped up to offer help and advice to any who ask,and for giving them the technical and safety info they need to make this work. Yall Rock! Yeah I know this was rambling and long winded,us old folks get that way sometimes BTW any suggestions for a tank or CE style clearo that is not a juice hog,has inexpensive,long lasting replacement coils and is hassle free as to filling,maintenance etc. would be wonderful Thanks Yall.
  22. http://www.forbes.com/sites/sallysatel/2015/02/02/new-surgeon-general-should-prescribe-scientific-honesty-on-e-cigarettes-2/
  23. JMO Rio Bravo #3 More intense #2 Better music #1 Angie Dickenson was HOT and funny!
  24. Page loading probs in the store resolved! Thanks Chris
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