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Everything posted by Hoopie

  1. And another thing... It would be nice if the directions said "THIS hole is for charging the batt, THIS is how you insert the batt into the hole, and THIS is the hole to store the assembled ecig." Instead, you have to hold the pack up to a light and peer inside, or just keep poking pieces in holes until something happens..... (Yeah, I know how that sounded.)
  2. I've been happily vaping my eGo C for a year now - with lovely juices from Pink Spot. (Current faves are Banana Nut Bread and Cinnamon, they blend nic 0 and 12 for me to get a 6.) I have a charger at home and at the office, a spare battery so I always have two assembled ecigs = two flavors ready to vape with the extra batt in the charger, and a nice little hard-side carrying case to hold all the hardware and two or three to-go juice bottles. Life is good. Today a friend gave me a Blu Premium starter kit. (Somebody had given it to him, and he's never been a smoker.) What a bunch of marketing hogwash! Does anybody in this universe actually want to sync their ecig to their Facebook? Or have their pack start flashing and jiggling when another Blu is within shouting distance? I can't believe anybody would be dumb enough to buy based on these "revolutionary features." And am I reading the directions correctly -- Can you not store an opened cart other than assembled to a battery, continually switching off the batteries? So you can only vape one flavor at a time until the cart is empty? The pack only has one slot long enough to hold an assembled ecig. So even if you wanted to buy an extra unit, you'd have to buy & carry a second pack to go with it! Bummer. Oh, the flavors that came with -- Peach Schnapps - the box is clearly marked "no nicotine" - haven't tried it yet, have to finish the cherry first... Cherry Crush - the box has NO indication of nic or no nic, but nic isn't on the ingredients list so I'm assuming it's no nic - mild, not bad. But why would anybody pay the higher price for these carts, when you can buy jugs of juice and a handful of empty tanks & silicone caps for a fraction of the cost? And Blu's flavor choices are so severely limited. All in all ----- MEH!
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