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Everything posted by daleron

  1. If you are using non rebuildables like I am my vendor told me as long as the white cap inside is not gray and the wicks are ok then no, you don't need a new one. If you start getting a burnt taste you may have to dispose of it.
  2. Congrats! There is hope
  3. Where did you get 5 cartomizers for $3.00 ??? I had to pay 9.99!!!
  4. Check out Vapedudes.com, they have a great starter kit for like 38.99, plus you get 3 10ml bottles of your choice included! They are located in Texas here in the good ole USofA
  5. Thanks Mischi3vous - I've thought about that and need to try it. I've got 3 different starter kits & wouldn't ya' know they all need a different clearomizer
  6. Nu Pier and Jungle Juice are the two I use most - both from LeCig.
  7. Christopher - Now there's an offer I can't resist!!
  8. You can get some needle bottles and transfer your juices to them, they are very soft and much easier to use. ( I have the same problem with the 30ml bottle) The little nipple top on your juice will come off, I use a washrag to help me get that off. Good luck!
  9. I've noticed a lot of you tend to favor the RY4 eliquid - which I have never heard of. Why do you like it so much if I may ask? I was a menthol smoker, would I like this based on that info???
  10. Check out Vapedudes - they have a fantastic eGo kit for $39 and you'll get 3 10ml bottles of e-juice, your choice with it for free!!! The batteries are 1000's !!! Best buy I've gotten so far
  11. I started going through the change at age 40 and kept going for over 10 years!!! ( And I have two grown kids). However; if you don't want children, under no circumstances should you stop using some sort of contraceptive until you have gone a FULL year without menistrating!!!
  12. Thanks Rixter & DeadHead65, sounds like I'm okay then BTW Rixter, my current fav e-liquid is NuPier (a menthol 12mg) & nothing else goes in those clearomizers! Oh, and Jungle Juice (low .06mg). Blueberry was my starter flavor but it's just 'off' right now:( Got a bunch of new flavors I'm trying out - Peach, Peppermint Joe, Cherry, other vendor's blueberry etc.... Right now my mouth is raw and the pollen is killing me so maybe that is what's up with the nasty.
  13. NuPier from LeCig is my all day vape right now. Trying everything I can get my hands on as I'm still new:)
  14. Hello. I've been vaping since the first week of March 2013 after smoking for 35 years. I confess I still have anywhere from two to six cigs (analogs) a day depending on a number of factors; but consider that fantastic since I was passing the pack & a half a day point. Anyway, my question is 'should I use a new clearomizer for every new flavor?'; I've overdone it in searching for a flavor I like and at 5 bucks a pop clearomizers could start to run into some serious money for me. LOL. Is there anyway to clean a used clearomizer? I guess the main reason I'm asking is because I started out with a blueberry e-juice and now it no longer tastes good to me. I really want to succeed with this because I'm killing myself with cigs!
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