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  1. Downvote
    Tinker got a reaction from Schizophretard in 510 Atty With Thick Brass Band Authentic?   
    This ain't right... this is an urban myth. There are "old-style" and "new" authentic atomizers from Joyetech, the "old style" usually, but not alwasy, that have the coil "ring"; none of the new style have the ring.

    The only real difference is the height of the coil/wick. Joyetech atomizers use a shorter (height) loop for the wick.

    But more importantly: what difference does it make? I've had genuine Joyetech atomizers fail in a couple of weeks and others last for several months - and I have yet to see a quantifiable difference in lifespan between Joyetech and non-Joyetech atomizers.
  2. Downvote
    Tinker got a reaction from Schizophretard in Higher Strength Nicotine Than 100Mg?   
    You ain't never used nothing like nicotine in your shop, "old buddy". Nothing in the same neighborhood of the same universe where nicotine lives. Anything in that universe needs a license to own it and an annual inspection of the storage facilities where you keep it.

    "Oh, I'll be careful about it..."

    This is it, I'm resigning this forum. You are all conclusive proof that human evolution has, indeed, ended.

    Moderator? Oh, moderator?
  3. Downvote
    Tinker got a reaction from Schizophretard in Higher Strength Nicotine Than 100Mg?   
    You're an idiot and I don't care if saying that makes this disappear from the forum! 2 drops of 100mg concentration on uncalloused skin and you better dial 911 (and drop the phone) before you run to start rinsing it off.

    Nicotine tolerance is an unknown medical phenomenon. Get yourself and all your buddies who claim to have developed a tolerance to nictone to the National Institutes of Health as research subjects. You're all bloody human mutants.

    Nicotine does not survive IN YOUR BODY long enough to form anything resembling a drug tolerance. You smoke 60-a-day and you still have the same internal nicotine level as someone smoking 20 a day - or one a day if you get to them at the same post-smoking time as the person with the 60-a-day habit. Your addiction just demands that you maintain that level more consistently than the one-a-day smoker.

    The stuff you say here is read by people who don' know any better. Jesus Christ! 100mg dilutions! 48mg dilutions! "Tolerance for nicotine!"

    How the he11 do you sleep at night if you claim you have to have 48mg of nicotine in you? You must wake up every 14 of 15 minutes to puff away. Idiot!

    I can't take it. The fu#king FDA is going to step in and regulate this whole industry in a heartbeat if people don't begin to think about what they're saying.

    Sir Walter Raleigh is spinning in his grave. Bah!
  4. Downvote
    Tinker got a reaction from Schizophretard in Higher Strength Nicotine Than 100Mg?   
    Well, you certainly have the right user name to ask questions like this! Are you insane? Nicotine is one of the most deadly organic posions on the planet, and it is more readily absorbed through the skin than any other route. 100mg is a lethal concentration if you spill it on yourself. You get any of that crap on you and you better have a Posion Control Center nearby.

    You need gloves, masks, protective clothing and an EPA approved fume hood just to handle it, and although I know the site that sells what it claims to be 150mg liquid, that site also lists all of the protective gear you need to work with it, and an unfortunately incomplete Material Safety Data Sheet for it.

    There is a reason the stuff is only offered at around 54mg - that's the legal limits set in Europe for any material containing nicotine.

    You don't need to kick-up whatever brew you're mixing. You need to get your a$$ to a Library and learn something about the materials you think you want to work with.

    And please, please, please! Just asking a question this stupid in a semi-public forum where someone else equally as naieve or stupid may try the same thing is truly dangerous! Get a grip.
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