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  1. agreed with all, welcome to VT! i live in texas and there are even some bars that cell ecigs, they are the cheap ones that dont really put out much vapor or give a good throat hit, but i took my ego with me, started vaping and i got looks of amazement and even some questions on where to get one! i recommended VT
  2. LOL thanks for your advice uma! Yea I hear ya on the gone in 60 seconds
  3. How often do you have to drip before it runs out? Seems like it runs out a lot faster
  4. Kool thanks! Gonna try it
  5. OK so I just got my ego and I was wondering how to drip. Yes I'm a noob. Do I drip into the cartridge? Or on the atomizer? And how many drips? Thanks in advance Adam
  6. thanks for your input
  7. thanks ddavelarsen. that unit looks very nice. any idea what the batt life will be?
  8. can someone give me a link or something to the joker? i tried to search for it but couldnt find it. ive been hearing the name alot and want to check it out. thanks in advance Adam
  9. that makes sense ftjoe, good advice. i hadnt thought about that
  10. thanks for all the suggestions! you guys rock
  11. hi, all. im posting this for suggestions as to which ecig i should buy. i hear the ego is a good unit. ive also heard good things about the spade. id like some suggestions, for the most reliable and the best experience in every aspect of it. ive heard nothing but good things about the 510. but suggestions are still nice, i want the latest and greatest! thanks in advance Adam
  12. ok ill check it out thanks.
  13. hi, im a noob. its a dumb question i know, but can anyone tell me how to read all the comments that i post on? because i dont remember which threads ive looked at and forget that im talking to someone or have a pending question etc.. im new to forums and ive never posted on any forums EVER. VT is my very first forum experience! and so far i love it! , the members are all so friendly and questions get answered. oh and the site owner also responds to comments! thats cool in my book. well i need to stop rambling on. thanks in advance VT. Adam
  14. lol, great stories. i cant wait to start, i just dont know which one to buy, i was going to get the spade but i got refunded instead, so i dont know which one to get, i hear the janty ego is good. or should i just re order the spade? i dont know what to do haha. if you have any suggestions let me know. i want the latest and greatest! feel free to pm me with suggestions. thanks in advance Adam
  15. im still waiting on my spade to come in still...been waiting for that ups truck or fedex truck to drive up so i can finally try it...
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