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  1. Hello fellow vapors, I recently (about a month ago) got back into vaping. I used to vape a few years ago but I fell back to analog cigs. (I know, GROSS!) Anyways, I went back to the supplier I bought from all those years ago AwesomeVapor.com because I loved their customer service. I went ahead and picked up the same unit I bought before, the Joy 510. Which is a decent little e-cig however I soon started wanting more. Then i got hooked! A buddy of mine in Canada opened up an e-cig shop and told me the errors of my ways. He told me about the Kanger Evod and how the Joye 510 was really old technology. I started researching like crazy to understand what and how to use cartomizers/clearomizers and tanks. To make a long story short I picked up a Kanger Evod (and may I say, great packaging) and I couldn't be happier. It surpassed my expectations. Its a sexy looking e-cig with a very nice grip and just the right amount of space to hold my e-liquid. After getting this unit a couple days ago I went out and bought an Ego Twist 1000mAH. Was on sale for $25 so I couldn't pass it up. This battery is a power house. It lasted me over 24hrs and I didn't even charge it after I bought it. AMAZING! This brings me to my questions. I understand that its all a matter of preference, but id like to get your thoughts on this. The heads are 1.8ohm and the default battery runs at 3.7v. What is a good ratio between the ohms and volts? I currently use my Twist at 4v and I dont notice any burnt taste and the vapor is decent. I'm just worried that im going to run the attys down to fast. Im sure this question has been asked before I just could not find where to look. Also, if I get a burnt taste from my atty do I have to change out the head or can I wash it out and dry burn it a little to get more life from it? Lastly, It turns out that the e-liquid I've been using is 100% PG. Which gives me great throat hits (which is really what I'm after) but i hear that 50/50 is the best way to go. I'd like to get the amount of vapor that I'm feeling with the throat hit. Nothing worse than a nice throat hit and little to no vapor is produced. I do have a couple follow up questions that if you can address would be great! 1.How long on average will the heads last when vaping at 3.7v/4v/4.8v with a 1.8ohm atty? 2.Can I use the same ego threaded USB battery charger I got with my Kanger Evod with my Ego Twist? ( It fits but I herd that you have to be careful when using different batteries with different chargers) 3.Should I run the battery all the way down before recharging? 4.Can I leave the battery charging over night? Thank you in advance for the information you give. Any and all of it will be greatly appreciated. As you can tell I'm new to this and I want to make sure I'm doing it right so I don't have to spend more money down the line sooner rather than later. Dont hate, Vape!
  2. N Aww man I wish I new that earlier I just ordered it and added that code but didn't do anything to the price. Maybe Arno will see that code and realize I didn't put the (p) at the end and reimburse me. Oh well if not then it is what it is.
  3. Ok all i just now purchased my 1st e-cig from arno. Im so excited and cant wait for it to come in. Thanks to everyone who helped me out with deciding. I used the normal priority shiping method, and was woundering whats the time frame for that shiping method. a week? if you have ordered from Arno b4 plz lemme know how soon you recived your purchase. I feel like a kid on christmas morning (uber excited). Thanks again ~Ethan
  4. Ok I typed that code on his site but did not see a difference in price maybe its old. thanks anyways
  5. Hey everyone. I was just woundering if anyone had a promo code for AwesomeVapor.com going to try to get a kit today and like everyone else would like to save money. Thanks Ethan
  6. so whats the difference between the two?
  7. You said you found a starter kit for under 35$? May i ask which site you went to? Becuz i can only find them cheapest at Awesome Vapor. (49.99+tax) for the starterkit. plus a free sample of e-juice. ARNO YOU ROCK!
  8. Oh w0w thank you so much for the promo! And thank you all for the support...great forum!
  9. Hey everyone, ive was lookin at the VT Store for some Flavor e-liquids. And was woundering whats your fav. Im looking for somthing sweet as well as somthing with good tabacco flavor i see they only have one tabacco choice so ill have to go with that i guess. but as far as somthing sweet, whats good. i see Midnight is a FAV with some. Ill soon try them all but for my 1st purchase what would you recomend. going to get the starter Kit 510 and some E-liquid. Also looking at Awsomevapor.com for e-liquids...anyone shops there who has a fav plz list as well. Thanks!
  10. Ok 510 it is then! lol ive been looking at AwsomeVapor.com and for 49.95 i can get what i need.(510 StarterKit) thanks for all the responces so far. Reguarding the PCC chargers, do they make one for the 510? cuz im prob gonna want one. Also how small is the 510 i heard its like the 901...but the 901 is a bit big for my liking. looks like a pen.
  11. Great Thanks! I love how fast the forum posted a comment on my post I have a few questions Does the joye510 have a charging pack like the Blu Pack? Does the joye510 have a warrenty? or a 30day money back? Whats the difference between manuel and automatic batterys? I have more but my Internet explorer crashed after i wrote my reply hate that! Anyways if theres a person here who has tried the Blu and has a non biased opinion on it please lemme know what you think. I do realize everyones opinion is a bit different on these things and not everyone is goin to recive a perfect working stoge all the time. So for those E-cig Vets out there your posts will be much appreciated!! Thanks again ddavelarsen for your post.
  12. Hello all. I just watched a review from youtube by ChrisFromCali and he made some good points for us newbs. Heres the link (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6njcPqo2oM&feature=related) Now im very new to Ecigs. I have been doin alota reserch on finding the best ecig for me. As of now im heading towards the "Blu". Now I know theres alota mixed reviews out there for this product, but im cerious what you guys think. Heres what im lookin for in a Ecig: 1. I would like a decent amount of vapor, but im not too picky about it. 2. Battery life should be between an hour or two (Blu cigs have a great battery charging option which I think would make it where i would never run outa Bat life.) 3. Flavors need to be rich with a good throat hit. 4. Size, now I switch between 100s and regulars quite often. But for my Ecig id like somthing small. As far as what ive been reading the Blu is the smallest. 5. Reliable, strudy, but not too heavy. 6. Good customer service! Good value for the money! Blu Starter kit: 25 carts (only 5 flavors avalible) 2 batterys 2 atomizers USB Charger Wall Charger Blu Pack Charger (which is great) Online Retail Value: 59.95 W/O tax or shipping. Link (http://www.blucigs.com/checkout/cart/) What are your thoughts on this. Please help me out ima be buying one very soon and id like to best for my money. Thanks.
  13. Hello all. I just watched a review from youtube by ChrisFromCali and he made some good points for us newbs. Heres the link (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6njcPqo2oM&feature=related) Now im very new to Ecigs. I have been doin alota reserch on finding the best ecig for me. As of now im heading towards the "Blu". Now I know theres alota mixed reviews out there for this product, but im cerious what you guys think. Heres what im lookin for in a Ecig: 1. I would like a decent amount of vapor, but im not too picky about it. 2. Battery life should be between an hour or two (Blu cigs have a great battery charging option which I think would make it where i would never run outa Bat life.) 3. Flavors need to be rich with a good throat hit. 4. Size, now I switch between 100s and regulars quite often. But for my Ecig id like somthing small. As far as what ive been reading the Blu is the smallest. 5. Reliable, strudy, but not too heavy. 6. Good customer service! Good value for the money! Blu Starter kit: 25 carts (only 5 flavors avalible) 2 batterys 2 atomizers USB Charger Wall Charger Blu Pack Charger (which is great) Online Retail Value: 59.95 W/O tax or shipping. Link (http://www.blucigs.com/checkout/cart/) What are your thoughts on this. Please help me out ima be buying one very soon and id like to best for my money. Thanks.
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