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Everything posted by BuckMulligan

  1. Is the low res atty compatible with a pass through? Or is it for battery operation only?
  2. 1) I'm looking at a 520 atty for sale at Wordup-ecig. What is a 520? Is it compatible with a 510 system? 2) And what is the difference between a regular 510 atty and a mega 510 atty? 3) Will 510 low res atomizers work well with a 510 mega battery? I'm currently using a 510 system. I vape 75% of the time with a pass through, the other 25% with mega batteries.
  3. Vaping should make your bowels movements more frequent, IF you are getting an equal or more amount of nicotine than when you smoked. You'll be much less dehydrated, too, thus having softer stools.
  4. Ok, the cart attached to the atomizer was empty. Makes sense, since liquid would have leaked during shipping. Attached a new 'Marlbro' cart and took my first hit using the passthrough. Wow, big vapor! Nice. I have to draw just slightly more than a regular cigarette. The first thing I noticed was that it gave a bit of a tongue buzz, just like my Camels. The taste is similar, but slightly sweeter than a Marlboro light. I'd prefer something closer in taste to Camel Lights, but these are not bad. I could get used to them. Difficult to tell if the nicotine level (24mg) is going to be enough. So far, I find a couple puffs is about right, but I come back for another couple hits sooner than I would after smoking an entire cigarette (10 min vs 1-2 hours). Makes sense, but I'd like to train myself to vape for 5 min, having several hits, and then laying off for 1-2 hours because I will not be vaping in the house most of the time (kids). I'm very pleased with the flavor and feel of vaping. All I need to do is find the right juice for me. Looks like I am on my way to being an ex-smoker! Thanks for all the help, peeps! now, where are those mod threads.........
  5. Thanks for the great info, Tinker! I feel more comfortable now with my purchase from Madvapes. I did get the 24mg from them in 2 flavors, and I suspect I will be trying many more flavors in the near future until I find something I like. And thanks for the advice about shying away from "great throat hit" flavors. MY PACKAGE HAS ARRIVED!!! A shout out to Madvapes for incredible speed to ship! From NC to OR was two days WITHOUT priority shipping! And it was free! Everything I ordered is here. However, I am not sure if what I received are Mega batteries or not. I assume they are, but how am I to know the difference? The Megas are longer, correct? I have nothing to compare them to, so if someone could let me know the length of a Mega, that would be helpful. I was told the Mega batteries are not ready out of the box, so I have one charging now (it says to charge for 8 hours the first time). The passthrough looks like a quality build. The car usb charger feels a little loose (1000mA). The usb charger looks strong. The wall usb looks good, too. The wall charger feels tight, and the battery screwed in snug (though I noticed the manual button comes very close the the edge of the charger once screwed in, which might become a problem if the threads get worn down a bit). The batteries appear sturdy on the external view, though one has a tiny chip of paint (black) missing, smaller than a head of a pin, so not a big deal unless it grows in size later. The buttons are firm, but not too much so. The blue tip light is about the right brightness, but uneven across the tip (top side nearly dark). Atomizers look good as far as I can tell. Both screwed on snugly. No paint chips missing. I ordered two flavors in 10ml bottles: Tobacco (labeled Tabak), and Marlbro (labeled MAR). No way for me to know whether there is an actual 10ml in each drip bottle. Now the carts. Two came with the atomizers. Do these have flavoring in them? I guess I'll find out when I hook these up to the passthrough. I also received refill carts and, I assume, pre-filled carts. Both boxes say "Marlbro 24mg" and the carts all seem the same size, but one box is slightly larger than the other. Do I open a cart do find out which are pre-filled and which are empty? I don't want to make a mess of things. [on closer inspection, it looks like I have round tips and flat tips, so the round tips are the refillables. But they also say 24mg on the package, so are they filled to start with?] Going to give the passthrough a test now and report back.
  6. n the Thanks for the info. I knew the 10ml bottles were not much juice, but didn't know how long they would last (and I should have accounted for spillage). I did want to sample a couple though. I'll look to pick some more samples up when I go to purchase some more attys today. I am wondering if I can buy juice locally at a tobacco store here in Oregon? I doubt it. The juice is probably banned for sale here, even those brands made in the USA. As for the portable chargers I mentioned above, does anyone think they would work with a pass through? I doubt it, but was wondering if anyone had tried using a pass through with any portable 5v charger.
  7. All they have is pink now, but Amazon sells them for $7.99 in several colors. They also have a model that is iPhone 3GS compatible. Free shipping if you spend $25 or more (so you'll have to buy 3 plus something for $1.03 more to take advantage). Do I want pink? Nah, I'll pass for now.
  8. Thanks for all the advice! I went ahead and bought the Mega battery kit from Madvapes. It was much cheaper than the regular kit + mega batteries from electro-nic-sticks (about $70). For about $79 I got this from Madvapes: 510 Mega kit - $43.99 5 volt manual passthrough - $15 510 USB charger - $6.29 AC to USB charger - $2.49 510 round refill carts (5) - $2.99 10ml liquid (marlboro) - $3.99 10ml liquid (tobacco) - $3.99 They were out of 510 atty ($7) Their PCCs looked a little cheap, so I passed on one of those ($19.99) Total: $78.74 (free shipping) I would have paid for priority shipping if had known it was so cheap ($3). I placed the order at 2am PST this morning, and it has already shipped according to their site. So, we'll see how it goes. I will also be ordering 3 of these USB battery packs http://deals.woot.com/sellout in the hopes that they work with my mega batteries for a back up charging supply when I'm on the road (this deal will be gone at 10pm PST, or sooner if sold out). If it doesn't work, I can also use them as a phone/MP3 battery backup. So, right now I'll go look for some attys. Other than that, I simply have to wait 2-6 days for my system to arrive (from North Carolina, so likely at least 4 business days). Please let me know if there is any thing I have forgot or should think about purchasing. Cheers!
  9. I am a pack a day smoker of Camel Lights and do most of my smoking at home, outdoors. About twice a month I go out for several hours and smoke A LOT, so I would need something with a good battery life and/or an on-the-go charger. This site has helped me reach a decision to buy the 510 style, but I have a few questions: 1) I am not sure if I want the carts with a built in atomizer or not. Does the separate atomizer need a lot of care? I have read that many people have had problems with atomizers, so I would like to have some opinions whether the cost of built in atomizers is worth it. 2) Do all 510 come with a flat tip, or are regular round tips available? 3) I have read on the forum that there are different manufacturers and distributors of the 510, so I'm reluctant to purchase the cheapest one I can find unless I know it is a quality build and the distributor is reliable. I found what appears to be a great deal here: http://www.madvapes.com/Details.aspx?itemId=510MEGAKIT It is manufactured by SLB(?). It has the mega batteries, but the flat tip is not what I want (but will sacrifice the round tip for the great price). I am, however, willing to pay more for a quality product. But the cheaper I can find one, the more accessories I can buy (like a USB pass through and a on-the-go charging case). 4) The manual button, I assume, is preferred for giving a heated vapor more quickly? Does it drain the battery quicker? 5) Any Camel Light smokers have a preference for carts or juice? I also smoked Marlboro Lights, so I'm not too picky about flavor as long as it resembles a quality light cigarette and delivers enough nicotine. Thanks in advance!
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