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  1. Thank you Krystal. I really appreciate that onfo. Just what I was looking for.
  2. I like 24 mg and my brother like his 6 mg. So I'm trying to figure out if I should get 48 mg and cut it down to 24, and 6 mg. I prefer something with a good th and vapor. but maybe getting 100 mg and cutting it down to each of our preferences might be a little easier. but when I went to order it, there were different blends, we are trying to make this not so technical, since we're just getting into it. I know there will be a lot of trial and error but I think it would be fun to try out
  3. Thank you Krystal68 I am curious as to the differences between pg and vg are. I'm thinking about ordering 100% pg, I like the th and the lady at our local vapor store says the th comes from nicotine levels. The higher the nic levels the harder the th. So just curious what you guys get. I have searches thru the threads and most peeps are using 100% pg from what I can find.
  4. Me and my bro decided to try andmake our own e liquid for fun and save money. But you can get it in vg and pg blends. What's most peeps use? 100% vg? 100% pg? 50/50? Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Randy.
  5. I ordered the vision battery and a evod, I hope this fixes my issues. I'm beginning to think my juice is too thick also, my bro sent me some of his juice and it's thinner than mine and vaped a lot better. I added a few drops of dw to the tank and had a lot less dry hits but lost taste and vapor so gonna order some new juice too. I chain vape so I take multiple hits at a time and then set it doown for a few.
  6. Thanks Jeff
  7. Here's what I have.
  8. I believe it's a variable battery. You cannot adjust voltage or anything. You just have a button to push and it lights up. I also bought a bottom feed style that has a single hole in bottom with a filter like that goes theu tube. I think it's the tv3 or something like that. It always has good taste but very dry taste and very light hit. Feels like a ultra 100 cig style hit. Sorry I'm not to knowledgeable on this yet, I just buy what the store recommends me to try and I'm getting frustrated cause I've already spent a few hundred dollars in a couple wks pretty much trying different ways and units.
  9. I just got into vaping. I have a redux and nova vivi set up. I want to know if there is a way where I can take more than 3 drags without getting a blah taste or kinda burnt taste. I wanna be able to use it and take multiple drags like I do a cig. My nova has a 1.8 head on it and I use the regular battery you get in a kit. Any help would be awesome. Thanks Randy
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