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Everything posted by VapingJay

  1. Hey guys - Mt Baker Vapor seems to be a name that pops up time and time again in the vaping community so I decided to do a review of their store as well as look at four of their juices. In this video I'll be reviewing the following flavors: Black Licorice, Dark Chocolate, Hazelnut Coffee and Anyway here's the full review: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDEn8nXFReE
  2. I tried watching the walking dead but I couldn't really get into it. I guess I'm just not that much of a zombie guy.
  3. Congrats man!
  4. Just got a bunch of ejuices from Heaven's Heavenly Vapes... looking forward to trying them out!
  5. Heya Tw1sted - welcome
  6. Hey Terry! Welcome to VaporTalk!
  7. Hey guys. I've gotten a few messages from vaping newbies about how safe e-cigarettes actually are so I thought I would put together a short video to try to answer this by taking a look at some of the vaping studies and information that's out there. And no I'm not a Doctor or anything like that I'm just a vaper that did some research http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar1jVFtnr6E
  8. Currently vaping a juice called 'Ocean Breeze' that I picked up from Mt Baker. Tastes freaking delicious.
  9. I've definitely spent a fair bit on my vape addiction now but in the long run it's still less than what I would have spent if I was on the analogs.
  10. Hey Chris! Welcome bro
  11. Hey guys. Jay here. Been vaping for a while now and am totally addicted. Glad to see there's a thriving community of vapers here and am looking forward to meet you all! Peace.
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