I am a medium to heavy smoker (8-10 a day), Marlboro 72's green. In my quest for quitting, I have tried several brands and by the way spent a lot of money. Below my reviews from worst to best:
1. Direct E Cig- Taste funny and the refill cartomizers some times are empty.
2. Blu- Taste extremely funny and has no throat kick.
3. Cigirex- Nice package, good customer service, tastes good, produces the most vapor but not much of a throat kick.
4. Magic Mist- Fair price, nice throat kick (18mg), produces fair smoke but taste funny when wearing down.
5. NJoy rechargeable- Good taste, fair smoke, nice throat kick, fair price.
6. Njoy,disposable- Good taste, fair smoke, better throat kick.
7.'Greensmoke- Good taste, excellent throat kick, produces good vapor but pricy.
8. NJoy King- The best out there. The perfect ecig for smokers. So far I am only down to 1-2 a day hoping to quit soon. Outstanding throat kick, produces good vapor and the flavor very close to the real thing. Two negatives: they tend to be pricy overtime ( $7.99 each) and they dont last as near as the manufacturer claims ( they claim it last about two packs but it really last a pack at the most)
I hope this helps those of you trying to decide for an ecig brand.