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    AKs0n got a reaction from Christopher in Vapr Life Joker Update   
    Agree 110% - I respect everyone else's choice to choose to believe that xploding battery story or to discard it as merely something else. Me personally tho I don't feel comfortable using any battery that is 'Unprotected' & I try to make sure any battery I use atleast looks authentic. I've done web searches for certain style batteries and with some of em they look as real as a bought bootleg DVD off the street. Regardless if that story is true or not I seriously think Vaprlife did the right thing. TBH I do believe they are the only ones who seemed to do the right thing. Not to knock anybody else but they still sell the same Mods that use the only battery I know of that has exploded, the CR2. That story could very well be a hoax but..... my money will not be spent on anything that turns me into a possible Explosion Test Dummy. And seriously the thing that bothers me the most bout all this is the fact there are ppl out there buying these CR2 powered Mods, that may or may not be dangerous, thinking they are guaranteed to be safe. If I didn't learn that 'Protected' Batteries exist just recently or ran across that TotallyWicked thread .....I coulda been one of those ppl. A possible candidate to be the next Test Dummy... If you know the possible danger and still buy, thats your choice. But atleast inform me so I'm not unaware and allow me to be an educated consumer BEFORE I make my purchase. I don't wanna find out the truth the hard way...

    I've spoke of this plenty enough on ECF & here.... I'll stop now.
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