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actor92191 last won the day on July 13 2010

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About actor92191

  • Birthday September 21

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    New York

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  1. It wont necessarily affect you in any way, but the vapor will irritate your throat and hurt on the inhale.
  2. LiteCigUsa rocks! It's is a fantastic place to get supplies like atomizers, cartos, etc. It's not really the place you want to buy juice or a mod from though. But it's the ONLY place I get my atomizers from. Always reliable and super fast/cheap shipping! And not to mention, for every 30 bucks you spend there, you get 1 dollar added to a gift certificate that you can redeem at any time.
  3. While you should do everything you can to prevent this ban... do not fear. We will still get our supplies in NY, banned or not.
  4. Very odd. This is the first case I've heard of this happening. Stay tuned and I'm sure other people will jump in soon with their opinion!
  5. looks interesting but confusing. How do you drip into it? I wouldn't be able to figure out how to work it right. I'd rather spend 7 bucks on a new atty
  6. After constant frustration of leaking atomizers and getting juice in my mouth, this seems like an AWESOME idea! It would also be cool if somewhere down the road you could buy unflavored nicotine E-gel and mix in your own DIY flavors. I can't wait to give this stuff a try.
  7. I just beast on Black Ops. 'nuff said. Oh and Sean too
  8. Yeah, the best thing you can do is just stop vaping when your body says you've had enough!
  9. check out the DSE-601 pipe, that might be your best bet!
  10. I highly doubt this is a result of vaping, but I have 20/20 vision and have been noticing slight blurs when I try to watch youtube videos or play video games. But I still refuse to put the two together.... although it has me thinking
  11. lmao!! He should do one in NY!
  12. You will have to keep your computer on for at least 5 hours. It can take a ridiculous amount of time to complete.
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