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Everything posted by sailorman3002

  1. I tried to post this on a few different forums but they all seem to think its ok for a company to run like this.
  2. Hi everyone, I know this is going to look bad since its my first post but I think its time you all should know, Tim Furre is running EcigExpress into the ground. Do not Order from him. The shipping delays that are being blamed on USPS are not the fault of USPS. Tim has fired 3 employees over the last two weeks for nothing more than standing up to appalling treatment. The reason your orders are delayed is because there is no experienced staff left to pull or pack your order. If you do order, watch how long it takes your order to get from "accepted" to Kent, "accepted" only means that the company has taken a peice of paper to the post office claiming the packages are in the bag. This is not always the case. If you believe in the fair treatment of employees its time to make a statement and let Tim know we will not stand for it. I fully expect this to be deleted but even if 5 people see it I will have made my point. Good luck to those that still work there you are all good people and I hope you find better employment elsewhere.
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