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Everything posted by shane53806

  1. glad you like your tornado, i have the ego, same thing, and love it. i use to smoke menthols for awhile but usually smoked camel lights. one flavor you may want to try is minty chocolate from totally wicked. it has a strong mint flavor that reminds me of menthols. one thing you will find when sampling differant juice is that its not exactly like an analog, but you may find the flavor options are pretty cool, and find something you really like..good luck
  2. hope you get your problem solved. i had good luck with dietsmokes. ordered my ego and got it really quick..then i had a battery die, which sucks, but i shot an email and he said send it in and he actually sent one to me before getting mine..so good luck, hope this turns out good, parked seems like a good guy
  3. i have been lucky, i started on greensmoke ecigs and smoked analogs with them for a month. then quit analogs cold for a month then had to go back because the greensmoke batteries died and i didn't get replacements for about a week. i wasn't happy about that, in the meantime i ordered my ego and love it, i have been analog free for a couple of months and honestly have no desire for analogs. i did have a bad cold and at first the ego kind of hurt my lungs to puff on, but i found that after a couple of drags it actually felt pretty good, maybe it was the fact that it was a vapor and not the harsh chemicals from analogs.. good luck to everyone
  4. thanks guys thats why i posted this to see if it was a good idea or not. i will have to due alittle more research, i am just trying to find a simple method that is effective and safe
  5. i used JAX electrical contact cleaner. it's for cleaning oil, dust, dirt or varnish off of electrical componets. guess i never thought about left over chemicals when i vape. i just know it's a quick drying non-flammable type solvent
  6. i actually ordered some juice and just one of the red band atties, figured it would help me keep them straight if i had one with a differant color
  7. i know there are a million ways everyone is cleaning their atties, but i thought i would post what i tried, i didn't find this method and it seems pretty easy. i have the janty ego as my main vapor smoke, i love it, i used some electronic spray cleaner on two of my atties and it seemed to work really well. i just sprayed in the main cavaity and in the inlet hole, with the little spray hose, then let them dry overnight. not sure of the longevity of the atties with this method, but i will keep you posted. i just know this was really easy and the atties look like new and taste great. if someone knows a reason not to use this method please let me know..thanks everyone
  8. i also bought 2 spare atties from wetyourstick, they are the copies. one works descent and the other is disappointing. my original atty on my ego produces more vapor, but it also burns through juice quicker, so the copy atties are better because they don't seem as hot and the juice lasts a little loger, but i can really tell a differance and i like the origanl atty better.i just ordered from dietsmokes and hopefully they have a true joye 510. i will let you guys know.. i love the info on this forum
  9. is there any health concerns vaping around other people like there is with smoking. mainly would forum members feel safe vaping around their kids. is there any proof of no second hand vapor. i tried searching the forum for a similar post but couldn't find any..thanks in advance
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