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Matt69 last won the day on February 8 2010

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About Matt69

  • Birthday 11/08/1978

Profile Information

  • Location
    Dallas Tx
  • Interests
    Hunting, Golf and just having Plain fun

Matt69's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Matt69

    510 Pcc

    I figured it had been found out..
  2. Matt69

    E Juice

    Thanks guys I will look at all of them you guys rock
  3. Matt69

    E Juice

    Sorry I ment to put I think i like the vg the best.. So what flavors out of that and where is a good place to buy
  4. What is a good tasting flavor that you really don't get bored with??????? I quite smoking and picked up vapeing 2 weeks ago and starting to not really like the tabacco flavor Thanks Guys
  5. I am new so forgive me if this has already been talked about.. I found that a BlackBerry wall charger and car charger work great in those.. Once again sorry if this ha been talked about
  6. After listening to yall I got confussed and went back to analogs today... JUST KIDDING this is aawesome. I think I found a blend i enjoy maybe a little weird but i took a 10ml bottle and did 2/3s pg marb and 1/3 marb vg. the vapor is awesome and the taste is very nice.. once again thanks to all of you. I could never go back to analogs.. i will vape vicks vapor rub first...
  7. Thanks Sinikal.. New to this and wanna do it right so i dont slip up and go to a analog again...
  8. i have 18mg liquid and 11mg liquid can i mix them? If so what is a good mix. Part 2 I have a 510.. The battery say 300 charges... but if you keep it in a Pcc after evry use is that a charge or are they 300 full charges??? Thanks in advance sorry for the misspelling if there is any.. And Thanks for the help maybe a dumb question..
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