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Everything posted by Char

  1. great idea...I wasn't sure about mixing them...are you buying a vg flavored liquid and pg flavored liquid, and then mixing them together...or making your own with vg, pg, flavoring and the pure nicotine? I have the ingredients to make my own, but didn't ever know what ratio to mix pg & vg....and I've never quite figured out if I'm supposed to 'thin down' the vg...like with vodka or something? I'm going to mix up a batch of a mix tomorrow using your 70/30 ratio, and see how that goes for a few days...hopefully this will solve the muscle aches since so many people here seem to think they are somehow related to pg and lactic acid...
  2. I have been vaping for about 8 months. I also have been to the dr. and had a complete check-up...the only question the dr. asked me about e-cigs was that she 'heard' that the liquid has formaldehyde in it...but didn't say that that would cause the muscle/body pain. It's not 'cramping' like a muscle cramp...it's just widespread body pain.... I've just tried a whole day on vg liquid...and the pain seems a bit better....but I'm not totally sure; and also have been drinking more H2o... I have to say tho..that vg is not near as flavorful tasting as pg...phoo.
  3. I sure hope there is a solution...I'm pretty sick of it and, just today, finally figured out that all this pain started around the time I started vaping....I've been to doctors and more doctors trying to figure out why I'm having so much body pain...pretty much everywhere....sick of it. If you come across anything helpful; please, please let me know Have you heard of this before from others? and if so, did switching to vg help? I'd sure like to know if others have gone thru this...
  4. so if you find out anything, anything at all!! will you pls. let me know...it's a painful mystery that's for sure
  5. thanks everyone for your input...I'm going to try the all vg liquid; any good brands that anyone knows of, please let me know ok!! also going to try the more water/liquids too..altho, I do drink a lot of liquids anyway.... could it be that the pg turns to lactic acid in my body and I'm more sensitive to it...I dunno. ...I sure wish there were some kind of a simple 'test' to know for sure...maybe just getting off the pg for a few days will tell me. are there any problems that you know of related to the vg e-liquids?? what a pain...literally !!!
  6. I've 'heard' or 'read' somewhere around here about muscle pain and pg. Now that I want to read about it; I can't find anything. I have constant muscle pain...and it 'seems' to coincide with vaping...phoo. Should I switch to something else? and what would that be exactly? I can't stop vaping...I love it and haven't had an analog since I rec'd my e-cig in the mail that very day I quit smoking and haven't had one since...so, have to get to the bottom of this muscle pain. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. ohhhh, I hardly think so. I have to ask you about your avatar tho....is that a picture of you? If it isn't, then I think you own my brother some money for using his photo without his permission!!! The first time I saw that picture, I actually had to check it out to see if is WAS my brother on this site. So, who is that?
  8. thanks...I'll do that sometime....who knew...I'd be on an e-cig site and talking abou art vaping and art YEA! and I don't even have to leave my studio anymore to go have a smoke...who knew!!!
  9. Hey SmokinHammer...I will go to the lounge and post something for you I do architectural rendering for a living; and when I'm not doing that...I paint mostly in oils. And yes I do have a website..I'll post that in the lounge too....I don't think I'm supposed to do that here right? I LOVE abstract and minimalist! And I do enjoy doing something "really simple" there just isn't a big market here for that kind of art and a girl has got to make a living somehow!!!
  10. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! Seriously, thanks Chris for the call, and for standing behind your product I sure do appreciate how you have taken care of this. Char
  11. only the two that came with the Spade...and one is was d.o.a. (it happens) I'm going to try the battery the "wrong way" go look at the last post re:Mark!
  12. ok..thanks....gonna try the battery the other "way" maybe it's labeled backwards or something?? gggeeeezzzz...I'm an artist, not an engineer!!!! (maybe that's the problem here lol!!) I'll try this one more thing but I have to tell ya, Chris just called me and he's shipping me a new one YEA... he said it's the seal on the battery where the atty attaches; and that it needs to be repaired. What a great guy with a great company
  13. that's a little scary for me to do! I think I'll wait till I hear from Chris...I've tried everything everyone has suggested..pretty sure I just got a "bad one" arrgghh! For sure it has power; the lights sure do light up, but not when I attach the atty...then it's just plain dead; no lights, nothing, ZIP. boo hiss. thanks tho for trying to help. I appreciate it
  14. oh thanks! I'll try that and see....
  15. oops, sorry, posted same thing twice
  16. Hey 'SmokinHammer'..thanks, I did order the Spade from VaporTalk and did start a ticket; just haven't heard back yet. I have cleaned and cleaned those threads on the atty & battery connection with no results..is there something I should clean it "with" I'm just using a paper towel. Regarding the battery...it really was just a "dud" right out of the box and the thing is, that it says it's "charged" with a green light on the charger. I even looked at a picture here somewhere of how to seat the battery properly into the charger....well the lights on the SPADE battery pack light up, so I'm "thinking" it's charged correctly...it's a mystery and is making me "manic".... The good news is that I have my 801 for a back-up cause I'm totally addicted to this vaping thing and I for sure do want to go back to those yucky cigs. And after all the $ I've spent on all of this..my hubby might just choke me out if I even looked at a regular cigarette thanks again for your help.
  17. OK, I tried what you suggested with that same atty and two other atty's...same problem with all three (the other two I tried are brand new out of the bag) so, not one of the three new atty's I have works. Any other suggestions?
  18. I just received my brand new awesome, very cool, tons of vapor, SPADE yesterday. Today it doesn't work First of all, one of the batteries that came with it doesn't seem to work at all..it's just a dud BUT, the big problems is that when I "click the button" with the atty attatched...NOTHING, but when I remove the atty and "click the button" the lights light up just fine ( a very cool purple I might add!!). What in the world is the problem???????? I did read another thread that was similar to this problem with a Spade; but I don't have any noises coming from the battery, and the button does not seem to be stuck or having a problem. I read about the one guy soaking his in ever-clear....no, no, I don't think I can do that....too scary ....Chris, somebody, anybody, HELP!!!
  19. I started a new thread so that you would know "where" this all started.... I thought I had the hang of this....have an 801 and my "first" liquid was from Liquid Express..medium nic. Everything was all great..lots of vapor; sometimes too much! hehe. Then I ordered new liquid from Vapor Talk; still med. nicotine, and VERY LITTLE VAPOR...I feel like I am sucking air most of the time. Sometimes, not always, after I try to "puff" maybe 10 times or more, then it might finally get going but still very "airy"...; but most of the time I just clean it out and go back to the Liquid Express. The Vapor Talk liquid seems "thinner" or something. Do different liquids make more vapor? And some make hardly any? Are their "differences".....I'm pretty frustrated because I haven't had an analog since the day I started with the e-cig but this just won't cut it!!! I have very little Liquid Express..and 3 brand new bottles of Vapor Talk Juice and I sure would love to be more happy with it. Any suggestions please! Also, I've tried cleaning out the atomizer, blowing it out, letting it cool off....different amounts of drops..anywhere between 2-4....Maybe the nic is different...could that make a difference in the amount of vapor? Also, has anyone ever gotten a battery that just seem week all the time; like even after being on the charger for two hours it just is not as strong as the other batteries I have.. I've only had my 801 e-cig from Vapor King for 3 weeks. Are my "parts" already wearing out? So last night I let my atty drain all night with a paper towel.(I usually do) Then this morning I dropped in 5 or 6..maybe 7!! (was only using 2-3 before and no vapor; lots of air) drops and WAALAA! Great vapor! So....then to keep it going, I have to drop in 4-5 more drops every 4 or so PUFFS! Then, if I chain puff..the atty gets hot and leaks where the atty & battery connect (attomizer too hot probably) so I let it cool a little between puffs..and still getting good vapor It's just the opposite of what we were thinking; and that was that I was flooding the atty. Weird....AND I've noticed too that the battery has to be spanking brand new charged to burn the VT juice.... once this battery is a little bit used up...it doesn't seem to burn the VT anymore...I just don't get it. So what do you think? I think I will go thru at least on 10ml bottles of VT juice a day... aaaarrrggggghhhh.
  20. Thanks for the info Synderbella, maybe I just have to let these attys get broke in..I dunno. And I have tightened the battery and I've done what everyone has suggested...it's weird I know!! They were working sooooooo well....someone said that the VT juice didn't work all that great in their 801 either....so maybe the 801 is the problem. Hey...I see you are a horsey girl! I used to be...now I just ride my sister's horse; actually it's her husband's roping horse and is a light grey like the one in your pic I think? I just can't ride him around the cattle...I'll end up on the ground!!! This way I don't have to feed and clean..lol! I did that my whole life; now we just have chickens and turkeys, some pheasants and quail.... I still love to ride tho! And garden too! Thanks again for your input to my problem and good luck, I see you started vaping around the same time I did.
  21. ahhhh, I just luv it when someone has had the same problem...makes me feel like I'm NOT crazy after all!! Thanks for the info for ordering some VG from the Picasso site; I think I'll do that. I love my 810...but this is ridiculous..no vaper..now that's just plain not fun at all!! I do have manual batteries but after only 3 weeks..they are not charging quickly and definitely not holding a charge like they were when I first received them. I would swear that I read that these batteries lasted for at least 300 charges? How are the batteries doing on your Spade? How would you compare them to the 801's for how long they last before having to re-charge? I ordered a Spade today because this is driving me nuts and I DO NOT want to go back to analogs...EVER!! Thanks for your help..this is a great place for info
  22. Thanks Jeff I did just figure that out..duh....will you read my replies below and see what you think? Thanks
  23. I'm direct dripping. I like the "crazy vapor" so do you know what the VT juice is? VG or PG? The flavors I have from liquidxpress are Taboo, Atomic Fireball and Honey Cured Tobacco. I looked at their site and can't tell if they are VG or PG. I'm asking everyone the same questions..sorry, but how do you tell one from the other? Is it in the fine print and I just can't see it?? OH, and I cleaned out the atty like you suggested, and put in 3 drops of VT and still...like sucking air and very, very little vapor. OH, and it sounds different too...very "airy" sounding...I don't know how else to explain it. Very frustrating Maybe you can answer another question for me...is one or the other; PG or VG worse for you? Or, in other words..is one less harmful to your lungs/body?
  24. Are you saying to use pure, unflavored VG and vape just that? Or just drop a drop of VG in and THEN ADD some flavored juice? Re: attys not being broke "in" maybe that explains why one of the attys works really well and the other is just "ok"? I just keep using the one that is good....I didn't know that they had a break in period? I think you are telling me to have some VG ready and waiting for when I get a liquid that doesn't produce a lot of vapor? What are the liquids from Vapor Talk...PG? How is a girl to know?? And how in the world would you get a "vaporless" batch? What makes the vapor?....this is too technical for me all I want to do is VAPE and not have any problems...lol!!! Thanks for all your help...I'll order some VG I think...http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/iiam.gifhttp://www.vaportalk.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/help.gif
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