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About mischi3vous

  • Birthday May 16

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    <3 vaping, searching for best juice

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  1. I missed the cookies too!! I think they hid them from us so they wouldn't run out
  2. Welcome to Vapor Talk :-) I agree the blu will soon be all forgotten about when you find the other great alternatives.
  3. Welcome to Vapor Talk
  4. Welcome to Vapor Talk Maydog
  5. Welcome to Vapor Talk!
  6. Welcome to Vapor Talk!
  7. Welcome to Vapor Talk. What I like about VT is there isn't a lot of trash talk like there is on the other forums, people here are helpful (sometimes funny) and there isn't a lot of suppliers trying to push their stores in general discussions.
  8. Welcome to Vapor Talk.
  9. What I noticed when I went over to the T3's the vapor isn't nearly as warm because it has further to travel to get to your mouth. My solution was to go with a Vision Spinner battery and now it's a match made in heaven. I can up the battery just until the juice tastes burnt then turn it back down a tad. It nicely warms up the juice and get tons of vapor.
  10. CaptStu, I agree with you. Personally I vape in WalMart when I go shopping I just don't make it real obvious. They might be surprised to find that if they allowed vaping and even supplied their people that sell drinks and hot dogs e-cigs they might actually make quite a few sales.
  11. Welcome to the forum, and I'm glad to meet someone that sells at a kiosk that uses what they sell
  12. Welcome to Vapor Talk and good luck with the store.
  13. Welcome to VT
  14. Welcome to Vapor Talk, and I really enjoy vaping much more than I enjoyed smoking
  15. Awesome kit!! I have 2 spinners and I love them.
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