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Everything posted by J0T

  1. I got a blue one, it's definitely not as bright as I thought it would be but I'm pretty happy about that. If there was an option to get it without the light tube I probably would have, but because the blue light is pretty dim and seems to just color the tube I'm pretty pleased with it.
  2. There's a review thread in the reviews section talking about these, in that thread as well as in the forum gallery I have pictures of the VP2 with stainless atty and tip as well as the Spade with a brass tip.
  3. I'm looking for a good tea flavored juice, also some juices that don't taste like something super sweet or something I'd eat, I want some mellow flavors that seem suitable for inhaling, know what I mean? Right now tea seems like my best option, but I'm not sure where to get it from. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
  4. Haha, yeah I guess I should have worded it differently. I am definitely loving the tobacco, it's the best tobacco flavor I've had so far. I only got to use the PT for a little while, I ran to the post office on my lunch break to pick everything up, but I tried the 510 and the 302 and I'm not sure which I like better. The 302 is definitely nice, I think I'll use that when I'm just relaxing in the evening, the 510 was like a punch in the face! I think I'll have to vape that in the morning when I need to wake up! I usually prime my atties with some vg when they're dry and that helps me get better vapor too, on the PT I was puffing out vapor like a chimney. I can't wait to get home and use it some more.
  5. So I got my VP-PT and an assortment of VT Juices today. I like everything I got but Traditional/Exotic Tobacco is perfect, I love it. As for the VP-PT, wow. Blew two usb ports on my powered usb hub so I decided to just plug it into the wall, I took a drag, let out a massive puff of vapor, fell back into my chair and got a chill. Not that I didn't believe you guys about 5 volts, but damn, I didn't expect it to be like that!
  6. Since I've been desperate for a VP-PT I've been checking vaprlife.com as much as I check this place out and I see that there are some new models listed on the site.
  7. Here is a quick pic of a brass tip on the Spade:
  8. Grimm Green did a review on the Ego and in the video he talks about using the stainless steel tips on it, it looks pretty snazzy.
  9. I watch/read a lot of reviews (for everything, not just e-cigs) and I always try to keep in mind the fact that everyone has a different experience with a product. Another important thing to keep in mind is that if you're watching/reading reviews from people who have a lot of experience always remember that they have a lot of experience! What I mean is that these people have used many devices, types of juice, etc. so they will make comparisons and talk about a lot of details, and that's a good thing, however these comparisons and details may not really be all that important to you, you may not even notice them! These people are trying to tell you as much as possible about a product, but don't let them be the only factor in your decision making process. Also consider the fact that everyone has preferences and opinions, you may not share the same opinion, so do some research/investigation to help you figure out what fits your needs. Here are some personal examples: TGWTF did a review on Mr Bean from Liquidxpress, he said it smelled awful and had a powdery taste, I don't think it smells awful and I don't get a powdery taste at all. We have different senses of taste and smell, different opinions on what smells good or bad and he's tried way more juices than I have. Neither of our opinions is wrong and in the end we both agree it's a good juice. Grimm Green did a review of the Spade and in it he spoke about a noticeable drop in voltage after 45 minutes to an hour. This kind of bothered me a little bit but I knew it was a solid device so I ordered it. I only just received it so I don't have a lot of experience with it, but I've been vaping it for half a day now and in my opinion after an hour the voltage seemed to drop to a level that seemed normal, it vapes like I would expect it to. For Grimm this wasn't a deal breaker, he still recommended the device. I'd consider him an advanced user and as such he has different expectations, I have three devices now so I still consider myself a beginner, I don't have the same expectations. So remember, reviews are to help you make a decision, not to make it for you, and if you want multiple points of view you can always ask for them, most people are willing (in fact many are eager) to tell you exactly what they think about a product.
  10. I know most people (including myself) prefer the stainless steel T-Tips but I just got my Spade today and it looks awesome with the brass tips. I'll post some pictures later.
  11. I would say 8-10ml a week, during the day I vape about as often as the average person would would smoke, but once I get home I vape quite a bit. I imagine once I get a passthrough I will use more.
  12. Awesome.
  13. Listed in the VT Store! Coming soon eh?
  14. So I'm getting excited about getting a VP-PT because they should be in stock pretty soon and I was wondering what the performance of the 302 was on it. Right now I'm pretty much only vaping midnight in my 302 because on a 3.7v device the vapor isn't warm and I kind of like midnight with cold vapor. I've read that a lot of people seem to like the 302 on the PT, is the vapor warmer or is there just a lot more?
  15. Hmmm, I clean it pretty regularly, but not with alcohol. It looks clean to me but some extra cleaning can't hurt, there might be a thin film or some gunk I can't see. Thanks for the advice!
  16. I hope people aren't attacked out of spite, it'd be a shame if someone was called out on the show simply because someone didn't see eye to eye with them... The show sounds extremely negative, honestly I don't think I'd watch it... Just my two cents.
  17. The FDA is like a really bad parent, first they didn't do anything about vaping, then they aggressively tried to take it away from people, but that didn't work, so they tried scare tactics (really I guess it was both at the same time.) I wouldn't mind if they regulated some things to ensure the safety of people who vape, but at this point they just look like a bunch of meddling asses and I don't trust them, I really don't feel like they're looking out for my best interests.
  18. So my VP2 had been great up until last week, the lights started flickering and it was acting up, so I tried to pull the center post up a bit and then it seemed fine. The next day it happened again and again I fixed it. Things were good for a few days and then I had the problem again, but I swear I wasn't tightening anything too much, so I tried pulling the post up again but this time it was still all flickery. I found if I really pressed the button down hard it would supply enough juice to the atty, but then the atty seemed to get really hot really fast. I was sad and figured I'd have to send it in for repairs. The next day everything was fine, it worked perfectly and I was happy. Then today it wouldn't work right allllllllll day and I was really annoyed, I kept fooling with it and cleaning it and trying to pull the post up. Finally I broke down and contacted Vaprlife to see about getting it repaired, I ordered a Spade to get me through the time I would be without the VP2 (wanted to wait until after I got the VP-PT but this was the perfect excuse to buy one now.) I got home from work and sure enough doesn't the silly thing work absolutely perfect again. I think it's possessed! I just don't get it, it worked perfectly for 3 weeks and now it's all goofy, I must have banged it around or something. I wonder if it's working well again because it's afraid it will be replaced by the pretty little spade, haha.
  19. I don't think I've seen anyone else vaping either, but I think I would find it attractive for a few reasons. First I'd be impressed that she had the willpower to quit analogs, second that she was adventurous enough to try something called an "electronic cigarette," third that she was intelligent enough to research the idea and not be swayed by the negative press floating around, and finally that she was patient enough to figure out the quirks of vaping (it's not an easy transition for some.) Oh also that she had the guts to vape in public because I don't know where else I'd see someone vaping right now, I haven't been able to convince any of my friends to switch yet.
  20. Darn! Well I guess I should have known that if there was a longer lasting battery you would have used that for the Spade instead.
  21. I know the Spade comes with 360mah batteries, would there be a problem using 600mah batteries in it? If not would I need a different charger and how much longer would they last? I see there's a 500mah version as well. I know nothing about electronics, etc...
  22. Now that's all I see..................... It does look good otherwise though.
  23. I might just end up buying something like this:
  24. I love vaping vg with a little flavor.
  25. Wordpress is really easy to work with, tons of people use it and there is a lot of documentation available, you should check it out in your spare time. Joomla is also great, I've used it on a few sites and what's really awesome about it is that it's basically all put together, you just add/adjust things as you want, you don't have to know anything about coding at all. I've been using it long enough now to be able to edit things pretty easily and to do some theme work, but really you don't have to do any of that if you don't want to. Also both things are free, you can't beat the price. If you decide to check either thing out and need some help and/or advice let me know, I'd be happy to help. I like the vids so far, keep up the good work!
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