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Everything posted by elbell

  1. Typo correction, that's Vaperite.com, Sorry!
  2. Check out the new Natural Flavored & Organic Juices at Vaporite.com I love the peach , raspberry and Todd's (TG's) Tobacco Blend Flavor ! Todd and vaporite.com products, YOU'RE THE BEST!
  3. Is the Janty eGo and the Tornado eGo the same thing and if not, whats the difference?
  4. Would someone who direct drips still might like a cartomizer or typically just those who use a filled (filter type) cartridge. (I said I don't know the terms).
  5. Great advise! It seems to always come back to the ole faithful 510. It makes me wonder why I read where people are raving about so many other models? You wud think everyone wud just use the 510 especially when most of the others cost so much more. Hummm....?? Well thanks for the info on the longer life battery option w/the Janty eGo, I will check it out and I guess I will also go ahead and get a couple more of the 510 mega batts and stay with what I know & what I like. Thanks again! I absolutely love this forum and the people on here. I always get answers to my questions.
  6. I think this qualifies as a noobie question. I have only been vaping approx.6 mos. I do not know all the terms used and I don't know much about other units accept for using the Joye 510. I replace the atts as needed and have also bought a couple of the mega batts which last much longer and I like that. I drip my juice. I like vaping with the 510 but this is all I know. My mega batts are now starting to die out and I'm not sure if this wud be a good time to upgrade to something else or if I shud just get a couple of new 510 mega batts and stick with what I have and what I like? I read where a lot of people advance up to something bigger, better or just different and they rave about it but then other say they always go back to their favorite faithful 510. I do not have a lot of money to invest in an expensive one but I would be willing to advance up a bit since I'm going to have to put out money for new batteries anyway. Please, any thoughts and/or suggestions?!?
  7. I have been dealing with Todd at Vaperite.com ever since I started vaping almost 6 mos ago. He is awesome to work with! His prices are already very competitive but he still always throws in surprises, he offers 10% off, free shipping for orders +20.00, he ships same day and his juices are like no other. I have tried a couple of other companies but I always come back to his as my favorite. I do not know the ratio he uses (he could tell ya) but the vapor and taste are terrific. I vape around 18-24mg nic. The Apple juice is amazing! He will soon have the organic juices with no dyes or chemicals and I can't wait to go organic His web-site is easy to use and he is on-line with a live chat most all of the time. If not, you can send a msg and it goes through email, he will respond bk very quickly and he's also a phone call away. He guarantees everything, even up to 10 days on his atts in which of the many I have ordered I only had one that was bad and he replaced it immediately. Go to vaperite.com and check him out! He's a good-ole Georgia boy, you will all like dealing with Todd and vaping his products. Guaranteed!
  8. Thanks to everyone who replied with good suggestions and comments. Everyone can rest easy, I saw my E.N.T. doc today because another issue developed yesterday after posting on the forum. I noticed a sizable bump under my tongue and some swelling under my chin (upper neck area). I panicked, called his office and they had a cancellation for this AM and I was able to get in to be seen first thing this morning. The bump under my tongue is actually a stone in my salivary gland (the gland under the tongue between the chin and Adams apple). He said salivary gland stones usually occur when saliva production is decreased which can also cause canker sores and why my inner lip is chapped (red). Apparently this is very common and after Googling it later today I confirmed that. He told me not to worry a thing about it. His instructions were to drink lots of water, massage the neck/chin area and suck on sour candy. Sour candy stimulates the salivary gland and with extra fluids and massage the stone should dissolve on its own. Moisture from drinking extra fluids (specifically water) will also help with the canker sores and chapped inner lip. He did ask if I was on any medications or anything that would cause me cotton or dry mouth. Of course I told him about vaping & e-cigs and that I had notice my mouth does become dry at times while or after vaping. He was familiar with e-cigs and was thrilled I had an alternative and had quit smoking "those nasty tobacco cigarettes" (in his words). He had NO problem with me vaping. However, he did say it is important for me, especially, to keep my mouth extra hydrated. He also said the salivary gland stones take months to form and I have only been vaping approx 6-8 weeks. He said vaping e-cigs was NOT the cause of any of this going on in my mouth or the development of the stone. I know some of you were concerned and as I was and I hate to be so wordy but felt some of you would want the details. Its all good
  9. Thanks to everyone who replied with good suggestions and comments. Everyone can rest easy, I saw my E.N.T. doc today because another issue developed yesterday after posting on the forum. I noticed a sizable bump under my tongue and some swelling under my chin (upper neck area). I panicked, called his office and they had a cancellation for this AM and I was able to get in to be seen first thing this morning. The bump under my tongue is actually a stone in my salivary gland (the gland under the tongue between the chin and Adams apple). He said salivary gland stones usually occur when saliva production is decreased which can also cause canker sores and why my inner lip is chapped (red). Apparently this is very common and after Googling it later today I confirmed that. He told me not to worry a thing about it. His instructions were to drink lots of water, massage the neck/chin area and suck on sour candy. Sour candy stimulates the salivary gland and with extra fluids and massage the stone should dissolve on its own. Moisture from drinking extra fluids (specifically water) will also help with the canker sores and chapped inner lip. He did ask if I was on any medications or anything that would cause me cotton or dry mouth. Of course I told him about vaping & e-cigs and that I had notice my mouth does become dry at times while or after vaping. He was familiar with e-cigs and was thrilled I had an alternative and had quit smoking "those nasty tobacco cigarettes" (in his words). He had NO problem with me vaping. However, he did say it is important for me, especially, to keep my mouth extra hydrated. He also said the salivary gland stones take months to form and I have only been vaping approx 6-8 weeks. He said vaping e-cigs was NOT the cause of any of this going on in my mouth or the development of the stone. I know some of you were concerned and as I was and I hate to be so wordy but felt some of you would want the details. Its all good
  10. The weird thing is that I have been vaping for 6-8 weeks and this just all of a sudden developed. I think I will try the VG. There is no doubt in my mind that this is from vaping though, sometimes you just know your body and I feel certain it is. I did look at WalMart in the baking section among many other places for VG and no one carries it around here. Please send some good VG juices and flavors with the vendors web-sites. I drip as well so maybe I should try changes my cart more often. I have plenty of them so I might as well. Im not going to stop for a week tho, I probably should and that's good advice but I would go crazy :0 I'm hooked on vaping now. I will also try and find some past threads on this issue. Thanks all!
  11. Thanks! I meant to say I use PG not PV (thats a noobie for ya : )but I will try VG and see if that makes a difference. It is making me a little nervous. I didn't think too much of the canker sores because those can be viral an I figured maybe I caught a virus from somewhere/someone but when I woke up this AM with the red inner bottom lip and little bumps all over it I got a bit freaked out. I was up late last night and was vaping fairly heavy and then I wake up to the lip issue, I thought "Oh no, please don't let vaping be the source!!"
  12. I started vaping a few weeks ago and have recently gotten 2 canker sores in my mouth (one under my tongue and the other in the crease of my bottom lip near my gum). This is not a normal thing for me as I seldom ever get these, it has been years. Also the inside of my bottom lip is red and has little tiny bumps across the inner lip. It doesn't hurt at all but this is also very odd. I am careful not to load my cartridges too full with juice and I only vape 11-18mg PV from a reputable source. I seldom ever get any juice in my mouth and if I do, which is seldom, I immediately wipe it off and rinse out my mouth. Please do not tell me if I have these problems then I should consider quit vaping. Vaping has saved my life of 30 years of smoking cigs and many lung illnesses including asthma and CPOD. I am feeling and breathing great finally! I do not want to give up vaping as I might go back to smoking cigs (I hope not) but I need to HAVE vaping as my alternative. Has anyone ever heard of mouth irritations and what can I do?
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