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Everything posted by DPVaporLites

  1. His package and tracking # has been sent, and he has been notified by email. He's welcome to share his opinion of the actual ecig. Ive had a few personal emails written back as thank you's, but no actual posted reviews that I know of. I'm sure lots of sellers have had thank you's from 1st time vapers. Yes there was a problem, but hopefully it has been taken care of.
  2. A quick and simple trick. Try giving the button a 1 second or so press before vaping, eliminates the primer puff other models need. Then do your regular slow, smooth inhale. Presto, nice and thick vapor.
  3. You might also try the soaking in Everclear Vodka trick, Ive heard that works well for cleansing and flavor flushing.
  4. Im not really helping here, but I will vouch for atomizers with the washers. I do use them, and personally I think they yield more flavor and don't get as hot, but still have great throat hit. And yes, I find them better for dripping because the washer protects the drainage. That's just my .02cents from a user standpoint.
  5. Watermelon is good, and I agree Cola is nice. Another favorite of mine is of course 555, but also Cheesecake (I got a sample from a friend)
  6. One method someone told me for cleaning an atty -Boil atomizer on stove, for 5 minutes. -Take it out, blow dry with paper towel on the end to catch water/juice. -Dry burn by placing back on manual battery, and holding for 5-8 seconds, each doing that 4x. Then fill a cart and see if that works.
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