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  1. Mmm. Yeah, vaping means you aren't sucking up that tar, which means it won't be discoloring your teeth or gums. It's a pretty easy-to-understand concept. Vaping is a million times better than smoking when it comes to dental hygiene.
  2. iHybrid F3CTA. Ordered yesterday.
  3. Thank you for the replies. I actually recieved my Lavatube a few days ago and am having a blast. It's insane how much money you can spend on this stuff. I swear, getting new goodies in the mail is more addicting than nicotine! Haha! Ordered a bunch of new juices from several vendors and have a stainless steel smok tech groove on the way. I'm really trying to avoid those cool looking $300+ rare mechanical mods though. I'm really trying not to tread that territory. It might be a place I can never return from.
  4. I've yet to find a good menthol flavor for me. But I did find that I'm very content with dripping a few drops of a straight menthol-only juice to mix in with a flavor I already like. I get more control over how much menthol I want(especially since a lot of menthol flavors can come out very potent) and since I'm vaping something I already like, I get the best of both worlds.
  5. We can be taking in just as much or even more nicotine than we used to, but the thing about vaping is we actually have way more control over our nicotine intake, so as long as we're aware of it. Unlike cigarettes where we smoke however many cigarettes a day and get that much nicotine per day, we could be vaping at a low level of nicotine and be vaping 10x as much than when we were smoking and still get less nicotine. It's all up to what mg you are at. We can more easily wean ourselves off of nicotine with vaping than if we were smoking. Instead of cutting back on vaping, we can vape the same amount of juice at a slightly lower dosage and keep on lowering it until we're off of nicotine all together. It's a very strong possibility, which is infiinitely more beneficial than smoking.
  6. Pretty new to vaping (less than a month) so I thought I'd join a few forums. Trying to absorb as much information as I can on everything so I can make educated purchases and maybe get into RBAs and stuff. Puffing on an ego twist as of right now, but I have a Lavatube V2 and a Stainless Steel Groove on the way. Hasn't even been a month and I'm starting to break my wallet. Anyway, it's good to be here. I'll probably lurk more than anything, but I may join in coversations from time to time.
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