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Everything posted by DeftoneR

  1. you gotta pick up uncle junks honey do.
  2. ordered a provari mini yesterday
  3. decided to go with provari. any input on good batteries for this one ?
  4. just picked up 2 kanger evod black/purple 5pk vivi nova wicks 2 15ml yumyum ube 12mg (really impressed) 1 15ml menthol 12mg 2 15ml ry4 mister-e 12mg
  5. try the kanger evod. i went from carto to vivi nove, to kanger evod and i think its best out of the 3 ive tried. just my 2 cents
  6. how about mAh ?
  7. hey guys i've been vaping for a month now on an ego twist. been watching videos on other mods and stuff and im looking to buy a zmax from smoktech and theres a few options on which battery to go with it. need opions on which to pick cause i have no clue what the different batteries offer. also dont know what to expect, is this a huge upgrade ? is it worth it ? thanks.
  8. just picked up Fuzionvapor purple pieman 15ml/16mg also Midas ry4 15ml/6mg just picked up Fuzionvapor purple pieman 15ml/16mg also Midas ry4 15ml/6mg
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