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Everything posted by missxenobia

  1. I haven't been around much but I sent out your letter and I will call them tomorrow! Hopefully more have sent this out!
  2. Awesome Review! I personally haven't tried any of those. Though the review makes me want to get a sampler pack with a few of them now! My hubby and I order their Turkish Blend a few days ago and it tastes amazing! Maybe not exactly like a Turkish gold flavor but still amazing. It has a nutty sweet taste. You should try it! I'd love to read your review on it, as I'm terrible with them.
  3. This video doesn't sit well with me at all. The end part bothers me the most more then the beginning. Sure he is a nonsmoker, sure he wanted to try it okay. But he makes it sound more appealing by saying "Hey I can smoke and not smell like smoke!" So then it'd be appealing to minors. Hey I can get a friend over the age of 18 to buy me one! Then my parents wont know I smoke and I can do it at school ect. Red flag right there! Then the writing better. How does vaping or smoking make you write better? As I don't think I've ever had those effects! All in all I don't think the video was the best idea.
  4. I'd contact them but even if they were to replace them its just a pain in the butt having to send them back. I don't think I've ever run it dry, as once it starts producing less vapor I refill or drip. The first atty I had I used constantly the second one I wasn't. I was using 3 different ones for different flavors as well. So it wasn't constantly being used but it still stopped working within a week.
  5. So I got the M4 starter kit from Innovapor and within a week of buying it the atty no longer heated up and didn't produce any vapor. My mom's also was shot within a week and the one I was using recently is also shot. All of them went within a week. I've cleaned them and everything and still nothing. They all just work one minute and the next nothing. They don't heat up, produce vapor, nothing. I've used several different batteries and still the same thing. How long are the actually suppose to last? I'd assume not a week? And is it honestly safe to say they are all trash? I've kept them around and I've had little luck with them. I did however buy some attys from wordup and I'm hoping I don't have the same problem. I'd love to know as if I'm going to have this constant problem I'll be ordering the 510 a.s.a.p.
  6. She already switched from the pre-filled so there isn't any worries there. She had no idea before buying that there were so many others out there and for a cheaper prices. I've given her the link here so you might see her around someday. Also thanks Compenstine I'll be sure to give her that link! =D
  7. Thank you everyone! Now I can tell her which atty to buy! =D She already has the xox and is paying 20 for just one atty. Which is a little insane to me as we got ours for 10. If she does want another in the future I will refer her to the 510 as my hubby loves his. =D Thank you again everyone!
  8. So my friend on facebook has a ecig xox product here: http://www.ecigxox.com/store/viewItem.asp?idProduct=3 And I was wondering if anyone knows what it might honestly be? Is it a 510 ect? I'd love to help her cut the cost on what she would be paying for the atty. Is the Ecig Xox any good? Any help is greatly appreciated.
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