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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. Been busy and missed a few bumps. Lets see if i can hit most of the highlights! Vision Spinner 1300Mah, kanger evod, 2 Vision Nano's, innokin Iclear 30, pack of heads for Mini Nova, Dripping cart and tip, 10pk of samples from TVR, juice with spinner. I think thats everything!
  2. You can't go wrong with a VV battery. Quick n Dirty on juice. The more VG the bigger the vapor, the more PG the bigger the throat hit. Vg is thicker then PG. Most places try to sell 70/30-75/25 pg/vg. There are a few 100%vg 90/10 vg/pg. Only issue with that is 100%vg is alot thicker then 25/75 pg/vg so it requires a little more patience/modification on the user end to make the 100% vg work. Some people are intolerant to VG as well. I currently run 1.8ohm heads in my mini nova's (all i got!) so i find myself running my twist between 3.2-3.8 depending on what i got in the tank. Which i like! Guy i work with who also started when i did, just regular non variable batt's and is stuck finding what works good instead of adjust voltage! He'll be buying a vv batt soon im sure!
  3. Congratulations to you and the wife! Im new myself, just since friday! haven't had a nasty butt in 3 weeks! I'm building my supply of backups and juice myself!
  4. Enjoy the ride! I'm new myself, and have probably spent more money then i should have !
  5. Get a bag of multi colored small rubberbands. Hair ties come to mind. Put the same color on bottle and whatever you're vaping out of! Swiped that idea from someone else.
  6. I Love my mini nova's so far! Both are 1.8Ohm. I have two that i fill with different juice and swap out at will. As others and yourself have noticed as it gets low, around a 1/3, you gotta swirl the juice around the wicks otherwise you'll get that burnt taste. Not a big deal, its just physics! I did however order a Kanger EVOD and two Vision Nano. Just working my way through different pieces of gear trying to find what i like and works good for my Twist and Spinner. The vision nano are 2.4-2.9ohm so im not sure how well they would do on a non vv device. Same with the Kanger it is 2.4-2.6. So we'll see how they work out. I am curious about them tho, as they are both bottom feed. Happy Vaping!
  7. I would also pick up a few Vision nano's or maybe a Kanger EVOD or two as well. So you can have multiple juices ready to go and not have to worry about cleaning a tank when you want to switch. A drip tip and atty for sampling juice is good also! I went with the build my own kit vs the premades. I started with one battery and ordered the second yesterday. As far as Twist vs spinner, i cant say i got my Twist the other day, ordered a Spinner yesterday! I'll chime in on that subject later!
  8. Nice! got mine in Rubberized black. kanger EVOD and 2 Vision nano's.
  9. Nice! I just ordered a Spinner and some new clearomizers myself! Just curious where did you find a spinner? I spent half the morning finding out of stock at most stores. Found a few, but they didn't have the other goodies that i wanted to order as well. Ended up at Sweet-vapes who had everything!
  10. Got my Twist in the mail today! Charged up the battery, filled up a couple Cart's and a mini nova and commenced vaping! Fabulous! Goodbye Blu! Back to walgreens you go tomorrow! I got a bunch of stuff coming in the mail as well! 3 15ml bottles from Mountain Oak Vapors. Vision Spinner 1300Mah, Kanger EVOD Clearomizer, 2 Vision Nano's, drip tip, atomizer and a bottle of Go juice! I also ordered a 10 bottle sample pack of 3ml from The Vapor Room. With their great deals of a free 15ml for first time customers as well as a 3ml sample with all orders i should be good for juice for a bit! Once i figure out whats good i'll order some bigger bottles!
  11. Thank you both! I will purchase required pieces and drip away!
  12. Someone in another thread mentioned dripping as way to taste different juices etc without having to fill a tank or carto. Just drip right onto atomizer. Did a few searches around trying to figure it out and thats pretty much all i found. Any recommended parts for a ego twist? I got mini nova tanks and boge Carto's currently on hand. In the near future i'll have a Vision Spinner and kanger KT3. I still have yet to make that purchase so if i know what parts i need in order to drip i'll go ahead and order them as well. Thanks!
  13. I'm waiting for my toys to arrive so i have no favorites as of yet. However i did do alot of surfing yesterday looking at parts and various juices from numerous vendors. Most of them seemed to range in price from 4.50-6.99 for 10-15ml of juice depending on where you were. Then i came across Dekang Juices. Which were 2.50 for 15ml!! Why is there such a dramatic price difference? Immediately makes me think somethings not right or its not a quality juice. I'm not saying anything bad about their product as I haven't had any of it yet. But normally when something is half the price of other like items it is usually inferior. You know the saying, you get what you pay for.
  14. VT order shipped and my Nova's shipped! Fabulous!
  15. Spending spree today! 730AM From our host- Ego Twist 650 5pk Boge Cartomizers Ego Rapid USB Charger VT Tobacco and Choco Java 10ml each Sometime early afternoon - Then i wandered on over to mountain oak vapors and picked up a sample pack 15ml each- Classic CountRY4 Double Barrel Applewood as well as another 5pk of Boge Cartomizers 45 minutes later i found myself at Vaporkings and picked up 2 mini vivi tanks Smoked and Clear! Anxiously waiting...
  16. Just ordered two Vivi Nova Mini's to go along with my new toys. A smoked and a clear! I think that will do for now! If only the one remaining Blu battery holds out a few more days!
  17. Thanks for the welcome all! I agree with the backups! I will be adding a 2nd battery in the new future. I just ordered somemore Carto's and a sample pack of juice from moutain oak vapors after much reading. Once i get a feel for vaping and how it works for me,I think i will end up building a work setup as well.
  18. Well i went ahead and pulled the trigger. One of my Blu batteries decided it wanted to get stuck in the on position. So im stuck with one battery for that pos now. Cant wait to take it back! Already looking at the nova tanks as an upgrade!
  19. Hello all! The wife quit smoking and is nagging at me to stop analogs as well. Been hitting the disposables and have pretty much stopped the analogs as well. Broke down and made a poor uninformed purchase of a Blu Starter kit! I'm sorry, forgive me!! Its crap! Batteries are complete meh. I never know whether they are charged, half dead or whatever. So that will be getting returned to the store as i've only had it a week, thanks Walgreens. So on to the good news, my pending purchase. I like the convienence of the blu with cart's, screw it on puff away till it gone. I wouldn't mind having to fill up carts a few times a week. Plus it gives the ability of having different choices ready to go. Here is what i was looking at starting out with. Ego Twist Variable Cartomizers Ego Rapid USB Charger Various Juices to go with the new toys as well. I'm in my work truck all day so have the ability to charge on the go, which is the reason for only one battery, for now, a second will come in the future. Just wondering if the above items will get me going for the most part? any comments are welcome. Thanks
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