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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. The real question is, Did you Vape that?!!?
  2. Loved the F16 tank so much i ordered two AGR Cartotanks as well! They'll be here sometime next week!
  3. I have had nothing put spectacular performance from my 3 evod's. I do have a twist and spinner tho, so i am able to vary the voltage. I run 50/50 or higher VG on the juice so i removed one of the flavor wicks from the head.The do have an airy draw, however you can mitigate that by covering one of the three air holes while you vape. Happy Vaping!
  4. Hmm only been at it a few weeks. let a guy i work with try my kanger evod, after a quick wipe with alcohol pads that i awlways have. He quickly flooded it by sucking on it like he was having a milkshake! Being at work i did not have my scientific tools to fix it (qtip) because i was in the groove with them finally and hadn't had issue with flooding. In the pouch it went to await cleaning at home! Not terribly embarassing for me.
  5. All juice 65/35 pg/vg 12mg. Dripped with Vision Spinner 4v on a 2ohm unbridged Atty. Steeped - Overnight no caps on bottles. Keep in mind my juice bounces across the US in the back of a truck so may be steeped a bit more then yours. Price and Shipping - The prices are great! That's all i can say. Shipping is fantastic as well. You receive email notifications every step of the way following your order from it being received to your juice shipping. I ordered on Wed 3/20, order was shipped Thu 3/21. Packaging is good. Child resistant caps. Printed labels with juice specs and manf date, except the sample, which is handwritten. Not a big deal with that as it's probably what do we have extra to give this nice guy who ordered from us at the time they are filling! Moo Juice - Definitely get a Strawberry Milk taste out of it. If i think about about while vaping it i can almost feel the milk consistently in my mouth. The throat hit isnt that great, but its strawberry milk! Flavor is good, and vapor is on par. Pretty tasty right out of the bottle with the short steep. Double Apple - Good tart crisp apple taste. Small acidic hit right at the first taste followed by the fresh apple.Throat hit is average, flavor good, another day or so. Vapor is good. Be good to find a Mild-Med Tobacco and make a Applewood! Peach Tobacco - Well it's peach and not the fresh fruit kind. Almost like Peach Snapple, can almost taste the artificial peach flavoring. The background tobacco taste is nice tho. Hopefully the peach flavoring issue will fade with a little more steeping. Throat hit is small for a tobacco flavor. Vapor is good. RY4 - Tobacco is very nice, needs more steeping will come back to this one in a few days. Cantaloupe (Free sample) Its cantaloupe alright. Not much throat hit, again fruit. Flavor is there and vapor is good. Not my cup of tea. Caramel Candy - Yes! Exactly what it is. Reminds me of the kraft caramel candies. Sweetness and caramelly goodness. Will be a great mixer. Throat is ok and vapor is good. Overall rating - Thumbs up from me. Not one juice that tasted bad or chemically in anyway. I will order again from Mt baker!
  6. With 3 Kanger Evods, IClear 30, Boge F17 Cartotank, 2 Vision Nano's and 2 Vision Mini Nova's when i fill them i make a dam chart. :wallbash:What usually happens is i grab one of em screw it on take a vape and go yep, thats X.
  7. No sir you are not an idiot! Looks like they only come in the smaller 15ml size. I don't work for them but i would bet they come prepackaged that way and aren't filled to order.
  8. I got 2 Kanger Evod's and a wrong model and dead USB Charger from MVS yesterday. Emailed about the charger and a new one was shipped today! Awesome thanks! Get home today my Mt Baker order was in the mailbox. Tomorrow i got madvapes order arriving full of juice. AveJuice is on a truck somewhere between CA and MA, I'd like to think its on a plane! And i just placed an order for a Boge F17 Skinny Carto Tank and a 5pk of Boge prepunched 1.6ohm cartos as well as a upside down cone for ego threads to fill the gap. Already have a straight sided and regular cone for the threads figured might as well! Now to keep the wife away from the mailbox!
  9. Saw this topic over on ECF and was just curious what some of you are running over here. Found this video in the thread as well. Some may have seen it, but i laughed my *** off. As for me im fairly generic for now, Spinner and Twist, Iclear 30, Evod, Vision Nova's, Vision Spinners.
  10. Orders opened up this morning and quickly shut down due to the amount of orders received! I barely got in my first order of Boba's Bounty and Gorilla juice! Just a heads up in case anyone needs to order anything, they seem to be back to normal business!
  11. I've been scouring the web about the Vamo, unfortunately i have spent entirely too much money in a short two weeks on what i have currently so thats gonna have to wait a bit. Congrats on your purchase!
  12. Yes they are fast to process and ship! I'm really hoping for good things from their juices. Hopefully i can find a few that i like. Their prices and customer service are fantastic!
  13. 100% agree. I recently just started vaping and started slim. 650mah twist, 2 mini novas and 1 charger. In the course of a week, in which i was awaiting my backups, i was nervous something was going to break,burn up or run out of juice! Since then i have purchased multiples of everything. Vision Spinner 1300mah, IClear30, 2 Vision nano's and 3 Kanger EVOD's. The nano's are fabulous for tasting juice as they are fairly small capacity and bottom coil so a coupla drops and you can taste away! The EVOD's are just fabulous imo. I got my first one thursday night and immediately ordered two more after using it half the day friday. Don't forget the juice! I also went on a juice spree this weekend, 354ml enroute to my location for vapor induced goodness! Tam's got another nugget of brilliance in there as well. Instead of swapping cleaning everytime you want to swap flavors, by having multiple backups you can have a couple tanks/cartos/clearomizers hanging out ready to rock! Happy Vaping!
  14. TVR- 6ml Apple Pie 0mg 50/50 6ml Pink Cotton Candy 0mg 50/50 15ml Weekender - Horchata 12mg 50/50 15ml RY4 12mg 50/50 30Ml Flavor of the week 555 12mg 50/50 Avejuice Boba's Bounty 30ml 12mg Gorilla Juice 12ml 12mg Including my Mt Baker and Madvapes order that is in the mail i got 354ml of various juices heading my way! Vaping coma here i come!
  15. I have not had any of their juices yet, its in the mail. But their prices are great and customer service is fabulous and my order shipped fast. I am looking forward to it tho.
  16. Just ordered two more Kanger BCC EVOD's Stainless and Blue, as well as another charger and a bunch of Jucie from Madvapes. 50ml 11 mg Dekang 555 10.99 30ml 11mg Cherry Tobacco 7.39 30ml 11mg Mad 4 (ry4) 7.39 10ml 11mg Grandpa's mix 3.69 10ml 11mg Nutty Caramel 3.69 Tough to beat them juice prices!
  17. This thread came about at the suggestion of some other forum members. Not spamming or anything of that nature. If you don't care for it, hit your back button now! Mt Baker Vapor has some juice that a portion of the proceeds go to help someone in need. I'm not sure on the ratio of proceeds that go towards this but i thought it was a good enough reason to grab some juice and help someone out. Hopefully someone from Mt Baker will chime in with some more info. The juice in question is Moo Juice This right here is enough to keep me buying juice from Mt Baker. Happy Vaping!
  18. I dont even have one yet, but i would vote Protank, or an IClear 30. For simplicity i'd go Boge F16 with some Boge cartos. Maybe the newer locking carto-tanks like AGR. Smoketek UDCT or Artemas. All good reviews, some better then others obviously.
  19. I didn't really buy it for the taste, to be honest i wasn't even sure what the taste was until i just looked at it. The reason i bought it was this - Just trying to help someone out. Every little bit helps and i think its great that a small company is doing what they can. From the descriptions in reviews, it looks like strawberries n cream. Tacky as it is, i actually have one of them ribbons that is pink and says save the ta-ta's!
  20. Starting to stockpile juice, get ahead of the steeping curve! From Mt Baker - fantastic prices! The more you buy the cheaper it is! Been trying to order some Boba's Bounty and keep missing it ! Maybe tmw. Placed my order! $33.70! Unbelievable! Blunt Needle Tip for dropper bottles x 3 All Juice - Nicotine Strength: 18 mg/ml (Medium), Blend: PG 65% VG 35% Caramel Candy E Juice Baker Vapor 15ml 1 flavor shot Double Apple E Juice Baker Vapor15ml Moo Juice E Juice Baker Vapor 15ml Peach Tobacco E Juice Baker Vapor 15ml RY4 E Juice Baker Vapor 50ml (hope its good was a shot in the dark, i dig ry4's usually)
  21. Point taken ! And not the wrong way at all! Discussion is the nature of the beast on forums. After re-reading my post yes I may as well have a standard 3.6-3.8 batt for how i'm using it at this time. However I have the ability to use different higher power requirement devices in the future. Which is what i was getting at and just didn't communicate properly. I am of the mindset of buying something a little bigger then you need and growing into it. happy vaping to you sir!
  22. I vote for Vision Novas. But thats just me. I have 3 Vision vivi mini novas and have not one problem whatsoever. Guy i work with saved himself a few bucks and got knockoffs, considerable difference in frustration and consistency. That's just me tho. They are roughly the same in price. Watch some reviews as well. Some of the newer stuff coming out is good too. I can't personally but i have 3 different tanks being held hostage by usps at the moment! I have a IClear 30 which should arrive tmw and 2 Vision nano's and a Kanger BCC Evod arriving thu or friday. Both the nano and evod are smaller tank size tho. The kanger Protank is also out there. a little more expensive tho.
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