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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. I just got mine earlier this week as well. I know the preferred method is to run it in RMS mode. As to running it in Variable Power (wattage) or Variable Volts is an argument for another day. I will link to another forum that has a user created Vamo Guide. I tried to upload it but wasn't able to as pdfs aren't allowed. Hopefully it helps a little. Vamo Guide
  2. I like Mad Vapes Mad 4! I will have to try the others that you listed Jeff!
  3. I had a similar experience with returning something to MVS. Dealth with quickly and efficiently. They get my vote!
  4. Finally got my Vamo! Picture of all the goods! Happy Vaping!
  5. So i got my kit from HDV today. Gotta say i'm pretty impressed for the price of 59.95. It comes with a Vamo obviously, a generic 18650 battery, a dual offbrand charger and two CE4 Clearomizers. So i took it all out, put it together and gave it a vape! The battery was halfway charged! Fabulous! At least i get to use it while my other batteries charge. Without further ado here are some pics and descriptions! What's in the box?? A Lightsaber!! Kit contents (notice the cool kid certificate i have now!) CE4 Clearomizer x 2 18650 The Vamo. Well it's a Vamo, i don't know any better, its fabulous to me! The Battery, it's an unknown, i ordered batt's from orbtronic so i'll use those and keep this as a spare. Same goes for the charger, it will suffice until i order my I4 as well as some 18350's for stumpy mode. Clearomizers, meh i have enough. I'll keep one and give the other to a buddy. Overall its a great Kit that will get you up and running with a nice mod at a good price. Fear the cool kid certificate!! Happy Vaping!
  6. Good prices...makes you wonder what the catch it. They have Twists for almost half the price of other vendors. Sketchy!
  7. Ya i don't blame a vendor for equipment failures. As long as the vendor does good by you its all good. The mini's take a different charger then the 420mah for the bigger batteries? Maybe i'll just give her my 650 Twist once my Vamo arrives.
  8. Proetus


    Ya i think i'm gonna grab one as my first RBA Tank. I have the IGO-l to play around with as well. Currently waiting on Wick n wire as well as my Vamo! Almost foolproof this one is.Not many variables to worry about other then your coil.
  9. My vehicle is now a smoke free zone! Goes for personal and work truck! Fricken stinks!
  10. What was wrong with the Mini's? Was thinking of getting one for my wife who rarely vapes, but steals one of my batteries when she does!
  11. Proetus

    New to RBA's?

    As requested -
  12. Wow Mse, I have no issues with my IClear30 at all. Have you tried to dry burn it? I've noticed some juice, BB and GJ specifically, will gunk it up and it will need cleaned. Just curious what kinda juice you are using in it.
  13. Proetus

    New to RBA's?

    Neat trick i saw regarding the AGA's. One of the youtube videos i saw, english dude making a ss U wick, anyway he removed the top two thumbscrews off the center post, replaced the middle nut with a spring, put a washer on top of that and then put the top nut on top of the washer. What this does is provide a place to capture the positive side of the coil with pressure instead of having to fiddle with those nuts. Idea was swipped off the RSST i believe. Altho im sure some ingenious vapor thought it up and it was swiped by RSST. Just thought i'd pass that along.
  14. I just put my IGO-L together last night with the little bit of wicking supplies that came with it from Steam Monkey, he added alot extra, different story different day. So i went looking for some wick supplies, stumbled across Stormy's Vapor Cellar and they had what i was looking for in stock. It's friday i was hoping for possible shipment today if not tomorrow. I clicked submit order at 920am, received shipping notification at 927am!! Fantastic! Prices were fair and selection was great. I'll be back!
  15. Evod is an easy fix for the draw, break off piece of toothpick in holes or just cover one with your finger. Nova's are good for simplicity fill n go! Flavor is a touch less over my evods and carto tanks. What don't you like about the Boge Cartotank? Assuming its an F16? I love my F17 Skinny tank!
  16. 4Ft of wick, 10ft of Kanthal wire 32G and a couple drip tips. And holy crap Stormys vapor cellar. From clicking submit to shipping notification, 7 mins! Unreal!
  17. Proetus

    Igo-L Dripper

    I got my IGO-L the other day and was waiting for a few more parts before i put it together. Cleaned it up and built a sad looking coil, that came out to be 2Ω. A little higher then i wanted, but that's ok its on my 1300 Spinner for now as my Vamo is still "awaiting fulfillment" Seems to be doing well at 4.8v, monster vapes, the hole does need drilled out tho. One tip for drilling it out, go slow, light pressure and use Veggie oil as a lubricant. Gonna go hunt down some 100% cotton yarn and play with that as a wick. No dry burns, but I cant seem to find silica wicks anywhere and im not sure i want to use em anyway.
  18. Depending on the thickness of your Juice, you may need to pull one of the flavor wicks out of the evod. I have three of them and have pulled one wick out of two of them and leave the third alone for my dekang 555 which is 100%PG. I love em, However im currently monkeying around with my IGO-L and AGR Carto tanks so they are sitting there looking at me.
  19. I agree with Kit, others wont. But go ahead and fire one up and throw up in your mouth. Probably the last one you'll have! If you are worried about running out of Juice, you have two choices, place an order with a vendor who has known quick fullfillment and shipping, or find a brick n mortar. I see you are in CT, not sure what part and i don't know about stores in CT, but i know there is one in Wilbraham, MA. Vapers Haven They aren't the cheapest but they are local for me and do in a pinch!
  20. No it is very similar to the Kanger Evod's. I saw your other post regarding the certain flavors of eliquid, affecting the tanks. I noticed you have two Protanks on the way. Those will be fine for those flavors it is a glass tank. Other then that, you can get metal tubes for Nova, or Pyrex tanks for cartotanks and you'll be fine.
  21. Congrats! I was a 1-1 1/2 a day pack smoker myself who recently quit! 1 Month ago for me! Happy Vaping!
  22. IGO-L Rebuildable Dripper Atomizer Kanthal A1, 32awg Resistance Wire, 3ft Kanthal A1, 30awg Resistance Wire, 3ft Kanthal A1, 28awg Resistance Wire, 3ft Steam Monkey!
  23. The charger should be red while it is charging and the light on the charger will go green when its done. That's how i know when my Ego twist is done. On my Spinner the fire button illuminates while charging and goes out when its done.
  24. 25 carto's (reg and XL), carto punch, assorted drip tips and 5 replacement evod heads to toss in the toolbox.
  25. I got three of them and i love them. They are so easy, quite sturdy and dam near foolproof. They are great for me to take to work and not worry about a cartotank coming off and juicing me! Like others said, super easy to fill, changing heads is a breeze. I haven't done it yet no need, but i have taken them apart abunch. I actually removed one of the flavor wicks to make my juice wick better since i run 50/50 or higher VG juice. The only bad thing i have to say about them is the airy draw. I find myself plugging one of the holes with my finger while taking a vape. Searching for a way to plug one of the three air holes. Probably end up breaking a toothpick off in it.
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