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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. Those Cirrus tanks like mighty nice. Although im not sure i could use the built in drip tip! I'm quite picky when it comes to tips.
  2. Almost three months and im still searching for my ADV! I think i found it in BB and GJ, but i cant purchase a second round at the moment to confirm that!
  3. Carto tanks are becoming my normal vape. i do have a protank that i use for my "naughty" juices. I also use evod's as well, since they are easy enough to fill n vape! Wife is stuck on Vision nano's since they are "cute n little". Trying to get her onto the evods!
  4. There is no one best tank for everyone. What works great for me and my juice, may not work well for you and your juice. Like Ghost said it all comes down to preference. I have alot of different tanks/clearomizers. Ce3/4's, Vision Vivi Nova's, iClear30's, kanger Evod's, Protanks, F16, AGR Locking tanks, IGO-S Dripper, AGA-W RBA (starting to hate this one, probably gonna sell it) It all depends what i feel like using and what mod im using at the time. If im doing yardwork, im gonna grab my bolt with F16 tank or mini mode vamo with a Evod. If im watching tv or sitting here staring at this screen posting vaping stuffs, im hitting the Itaste svd with 6ml carto tank on it! It's all subjective, just like the best juice! Get a bunch of different ones, stay on the inexpensive side until you determine what you like. I think i'm in the spot where i might be buying a more upscale carto tank in the near future! Just cant decide which right now.
  5. We're starting a little co-op to buy 50 Sigelei 20's. If you are interested the link is below. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Sigelei20/
  6. More then likely flooded due to too large a hole/slot. Start smaller then you think you need and increase hole size if needed. You might go thru a few cartos finding the right size hole, took me 4 carto's for my 100VG juice and 2 for my 50/50.
  7. I would suggest stepping up to the Vision Spinner or Ego Twist. The spinner is a bit easier to read, but imo the twist has a little more punch. On the same voltage, the twist seems to give me more of a burnt taste then the Spinner does. However the spinner seems to last a little longer. They are both solid devices, i will however throw a disclaimer in here. Don't buy knock-offs. My experience has shown you get what you pay for. This goes for batteries and delivery devices. Others experience may vary but my experience with knock off items has been crap. I will stick to known good items thanks! Then there is the mod side of things. You can get a Vamo for roughly 40ish bucks, fairly sturdy pretty well built device. This will also require you to get batteries and a charger, unless you get the kit of course, which will drive the price upwards of 70ish. All options that are available to you. I started with a 650 twist, quickly bought a 1300 Spinner, Vamo shortly thereafter. Just recently i have picked up a ITaste SVD and a Bolt. So i have seen the gamut of devices in a short timespan. All of these have been great devices for me. These have been my experiences, yours may vary.
  8. I used them for a bit, then once i got my VV devices i switched up to higher capacity tanks. My wife currently uses them as a "when i want to " vaper, and they do their business as they should. They produce a pretty dam good vapor for the size/price of the device. However for a few bucks more i can get a kanger evod and replace the head when i need to instead of tossing it in the trash!
  9. Is the carto/tank shorted out and you're mini wont fire cause it knows it. Protection circuit. What does it say when you check Ω ?
  10. Replace the Protank head with the head from the Evod. You're draw will tighten up. Another handyman fix, place one wrap of teflon tape around the post and poke out however many holes you find works for you. There are 4 airflow holes around the base of the protank. I just got mine this weekend and haven't played with the airflow yet. I have however started taking really light slow inhale vs pulls and i don't really notice other then i have to pay attn and not just puff away. But the tank itself is just fabulous so far.
  11. I been busy! Discovered the classified section on ECF! I picked up a "almost new" Itaste SVD w/ 4 Iclear 30's and 5 extra heads for $95! A Chrome Bolt with an AGA-W for $40! Buncha juice this week also! There's also a coop building for a Custom Zmax Mini im in on for 42ish!
  12. I'm glad you got it vaping to your liking! Sometimes new tanks need a little bit of time to break in per say. Usually good after a tank or two. Now that i think about after using my Mini Nova yesterday its a bit picky with wattage as well. its 1.8Ω and runs like a champ at 6-7watts if i go above that it starts getting the dry burnt taste. I believe thats more of a wicking issue tho. I find myself using my carto tanks, IClear 30 and Kanger Evod's more and more tho. I got a Protank in the mail too!
  13. Finally ordered a Protank! Protank and two Vision Nano's yellow and purple, wife love these. Juice 50/50 0mg English Toffee Strawberry Cheesecake Cherry Slushy
  14. Is it mounds flavor? Not sure i could do that! I just got 7 bottles from ecblends, my first order from them. So far most of them are good, a few need steeping. Will definitely be revisiting them. Tried out BWB as you can see above. I wish avejuice had a zero nic offering.
  15. I love my Vamo. it's all i have but it's good for me! Pretty solid build quality for the price.
  16. My vision mini vivi nova's, vision nano's and Kanger Evod's never leak a single drop. I'm not knocking the knock offs/offbrands because i haven't tried them. But from seeing a guy i work with fight with his stuff and others on the forums using them have issues, i stay with what i know.
  17. Backwoods Brew time! all 10ml bottles and 0 mg Nic! Applewood Casablanca Blend Strawberry Banana Malty Malty Toffee Excited!
  18. Nitecore I4 Charger Cheapest i could find it! Placed an order for a bunch of juice from Ecblends! Still looking for more flavors i like! Was gonna order from BWB and AlienVision but they were both out of what i wanted! Booooo! All juice 50/50 6mg (yes i'm dropping my mg's!) Caramel Apple Chocolate Malt Dragon's Apple Dragon's Tear Magic Rypple RY 4 Tobacco Strawberry Shortcake Vanilla Swirl Refilling Tool - SmokTech - for DCT Tanks
  19. Yea i read that too. I'm expecting mushroom clouds after reading it! Complete utter destruction of city blocks from taking a hit off a Vamo!
  20. No markings on the battery other then what you see in the above pic. I got a pair i ordered from Orbtronics. There is a battery thread over on ECF in the Vamo PV section. Alot of good deals on batteries flying around.
  21. Depending on what type they are selling, the V2 and V3 are rebuildable. But no it is not needed to replace every two weeks as long as you are getting good flavor and vapor out it.
  22. Proetus

    New to RBA's?

    I'm currently fighting with my IGO-L I think i have buily 5-6 coils and they just aren't doing what i think they should. Watched a few more videos last night, hoping to get another coil made tomorrow night. Hopefully i'll get it worked out and purchase an AGA T-2 next weekend!
  23. 5 Day update - I'm in love! Sadly my venerable Vision Spinner 1300 plays second fiddle now. It still accompanies me to work with a Evod or Mini Nova on it and gets a fair amoutn of use. However i've been pounding down the juice with the Vamo. An 18650 is usually lasting me just over 24hours at this point. Hopefully it will withstand the test of time! Now that i have one, i will look for the best price i can find on a SS one as the Black Chrome should just have a fingerprint pattern on it as they are never ending on it!
  24. I vape where flavor and juice production are the best, not where something i read, posted by someone with completely different gear and juice then me said i should. I am finding that everything in the vaping world is different. Even that bottle of your favorite juice you reordered is different then the bottle you just finished off. I got a box of Boge carto's the other day, tested em all on Vamo, everyone of them is a different resistance then what is stated on box.
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