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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. For the most part you're both correct. However the verified crowd seems better then the run of the mill crowd, at least for me.
  2. my next one will be KPT2 and Mini KPT2 mid aug..200ish of each i believe, even tho i don't use KPT's anymore lol.
  3. I have all the details as its my coop. The order will be placed once all 450 batteries are spoken for.They are IMR 800-1100-2000mah flat top batteries. However you need to be verified on ecf in order to get in on it. More then likely all batteries will be spoken for by tomorrow evening. This will be the 3rd order in less then a month.
  4. One of two problems is occuring, #1 was more then likely caused by #2. #1The positive pin on the KPT has been pushed in to far causing intermittent connection with the vamo pin. You can try to gently pull the pin on the KPT out with some needlenose pliers or tweezers. Note i said gently, if not careful you will pull the whole coil assembly out. #2 the center pin on the vamo has been pushed down by over tightening devices into the 510/ego connection.
  5. $2.80-3.00-3.89 per piece(depending on size of battery 18350/18500/18650) +$1 incidentals +$5.15 shipping to you.
  6. I refuse to add up the $$ i've spent. I'm fairly certain its less then the almost 2 PAD i was smoking.
  7. Real large community with alot of knowledgeable people. Helps tremendously with for sale/trade items and coops. I'm starting an Efest 18650/500/350 coop in less then an hour as a matter of fact.
  8. Good Life Vapor Sample packs allow me to try various juices from a vendor without committing to a 30ml+ bottle. Usually the smallest size i'll buy if im going to vape it frequently, usually much bigger if possible. With GLV's coupon code i got 2 sample packs shipped for 32.50. 88mls of juice wheeeee
  9. http://www.hoosiervapes.com/search.asp?keyword=bella&search=GO Tomorrow..no idea what time.. Good luck tho, they go fast. They pop up pretty frequently on ecf classifieds.
  10. Here's that Bella tank i mentioned with a fresh Boge SR prepunched 2 hole Boge carto and Copper Creek House Blend.
  11. Provari, Evic, Custom Sigelei Mini, MVP and a Kicked Vmod XL. I use them all everyday. Provari Pro - Simple, easy and consistent as they come. Cons - Price. Evic Pro - extremely customizable. Con- Feels cheap. Clumsy menu, stupid usb cover. MVP Pro - Simple operation, extreme battery life! Con - No Ω checker. Flat button. Vmod Pro - Bottom feeder, alot of different options for delivery device. Con - learning curve of bottom feeder. Custom Sigelei Mini Pro its a mini! Con i can kill the 350 battery in 2 hours!
  12. Two Sample Packs from GLV 925 Deadly Sin el Kamino English Bulldog Freak Show Melon Boba Nana's Nuts Twilight Zone And another tank from IBtanked. 19mm w/ Blue annodized caps.
  13. Yea i grabbed a bunch of cherry vape tips off the classifieds on ecf for like 20 bucks.
  14. I recently sold most of my unused stuff. 1300 spinner, 650 Twist most of my Protanks, All clearo's, Tatroe Tank, Vamo, K100 and a bunch of other misc stuffs. Here's whats left - Left to right- MVP IBtanked 19mm, SVD Boge F16, Provari Prive Clone, Evic IBtanked 19mm, Vision Spinner 1300 Protank, Vmod XL. The two in the front are custom sigelei, comes with a 350 and 500 end cap. Rapid Tank on left one and Lil Mama on right. Got a Bella tank as vapemail yesterday that i haven't cleaned up and filled yet, excited about that one!
  15. When i go to work i generally have three mods with me, varying cartotanks depending on what i feel like vaping. Provari is always in the lineup, either my mvp or kicked Vmod XL and the third mod is usually my evic. I got a Vent Pouch that i clip onto my cup holder. It has a stiff metal bendable clip that i have formed over the lip of the cup holder. I have also reappropriated a belt pouch/holster from work that used to hold our old symbol devices that i drop my mvp or vmod into.
  16. Love me some Boge cartos. Pic of my current toys, all carto tanks are full of boges! The vmod has since been kicked! Lovely vape with Boba's Bounty at 10watts! Left to right- MVP IBtanked 19mm, SVD Boge F16, Provari Prive Clone, Evic IBtanked 19mm, Vision Spinner 1300 Protank, Vmod XL. The two in the front are custom sigelei, comes with a 350 and 500 end cap. Rapid Tank on left one and Lil Mama on right. Happy Vaping!
  17. I love my MVP as well. Highly recommended device!
  18. Waiting on my Evic to arrive from a coop. A little excited as it will be my first non 33.3mhz PV! Hopefully it will be a different vape!
  19. I have three and will more then likely be getting rid of them. for the most part they are great tanks, when they don't break. I had 5 at one point. Have broken 2 of the 510 connections right off. No bueno.
  20. I love my K100! Im toying around with a rebuilt head on an evod in the 1-1.3Ω range and loving it! If you are wanting to get one check out Fasttech Free shipping and a great price, they also have the kits for 39 if you search for k100!
  21. EGo Twist 900/Vision Nano, Vision Spinner 1300/iClear30, Bolt/F17 Skinny tank, Mini Mode Vamo AGR Locking tank, iTaste SVD (18500 mode)/Protank Bits n pieces! Dam i need a better camera!
  22. Hmm been awhile since i updated this thread..lets see 6 bottles from Fuzion Vaper, 6 from HHV, Copper K100, Evic, 5 Smok Pyrex DCT, RSST+ extra tank and the normal restocking of juice from MBV. Evic and DCT/RSST i got out of a coop, 53 for evic, 6 for dct's and 15 for the rsst. Can't beat those prices with a stick!
  23. AGR Locking tank on Mr Vamo rocking at 9.5 watts. Full of the last of my BB!
  24. Boba's Bounty and Gorilla Juice. Both from the infamous Alien Vision Juice. Sia - Those are all good tanks and will work. However im gonna go with Tameika here and suggest the Evods for least amount of fiddling vs great vape!
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