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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. hah i'll go through 8-10mls a day easily unless im busy at work. I pretty much chain vape tho.
  2. Yep! I always take to PO. I want to watch them get acceptance scanned, at that point it becomes the problem of the USPS.
  3. That was 5pm... This is now.. 38 happy fellow vapers in a few days!
  4. Hmm if money was no option... It would be a toss up between Provari with Ikenvape Carto's a just a good solid glass carto tank, Phiniac or Vaperfexion comes to mind. or 18650 size Zenesis 2 Hybrid-Cartotank, again with Ikenvape Carto's. Probably run it with an 18490 and a kick. The first one i have. The second one im saving my pennies for!
  5. Christie can you do me a favor when you get that kpt2 please. Measure the package that the kpt2 comes in please.
  6. Taste is subjective , blah blah you all know that. However, I have tried at least 7 juices from Ave other then BB-Hype-GJ. I wont reorder them. Those are the only 3 i will order from them.
  7. Anyone received one of these yet? I have an odd question What size is the packaging that the kpt2 comes in? Trying to figure out how many will fit in small priority box.
  8. Rainbow Heaven seems to be the better quality stuff coming from China right now. Almost impossible to do group buys with. First question they ask when you contact a rep is what is your website/storefront we need to see it.
  9. I had one and sold it. It is a rock solid tank. However i felt it just made my mods too top heavy. Im a cable guy so my pv's stay in the truck. I have a little pouch that they sit in, repurposed vent clip pouch. Most mods sit with 1/3 of the top sticking out the top. With the tatroe tank they had a hell of a lean in the pouch.
  10. Co-ops don't work so well for products made in usa.
  11. I got a vape mail trail that should encompass the week! IBtanked Anodized Blue 19mm - arrived yesterday Satin finish Lil Mama tank - should be today 8 Bottles from Good Life Vapor - today or tmw - New juice to try! Co-op package stuffed with goods from Health Cabin later in the week My Co-op battery package 350 batteries - I'll be the most powerful vaper in New England for a few hours!
  12. Depends on what you order. Most buys right now are pretty quick. 450 batteries, sold out in 2 days, collected money, paid vendor, i will have them Friday and they will be sent out to members saturday. Less then 2 weeks is pretty good imo. To each their own tho. I enjoy running coops and getting things half off retail price. evics for 40ish, mvps 34ish etc etc.
  13. I have or had quite a few mods. Honestly the Provari is the best vape out of all of them. Just the way it is designed it's a much smoother vape. The 33mhz 'rattlesnake rattle" pulsing of most other mods just isnt as smooth. There is no need to buy a Provari new from provape either. You can buy one used, I got mine for $100. Sure it was a version 1, but i mailed it in to have it upgraded to the new chipset for $25. It's a solid device. If it ever breaks you can send it in for repair at reasonable rates.
  14. Those sites are mostly distributors. There are some that you can purchase from. As a few have stated before me, there are sketchy ones. Just like any online site. There are some good ones and some bad ones. Most of them have a minimum order quantity as well. Usually used for group buys etc.
  15. hmm credit card is not needed to become verified. Can do with ebay or paypal. Funds are definitely not required, just the account is required to verify you are an actual person and not intent on trying to steal money/items from others. Obviously you'll need em if you start buying stuff.
  16. Tam, i will be hosting a coop for protank2 and Mini Protank2 over on ECf in a few weeks. If you arent verified i would reccomend it. The prices will be phenomenal, i'm thinking right around 6.50 Plus shipping to you. S the first tank will be around 12-13, but everything after that will be 6-7. Just as an example, im about to order 400 Efest batteries, The prices on those came in at $3.89-$3.00-$2.80 for 18650-18500-18350 flat top batteries!
  17. Cart Tank tutorial Thats a great start for cartotanks. Full of all sorts of info and a few videos.
  18. Just grabbed a Lil Mama Tank for 25 bucks! Love the classifieds Satin finish stainless steel!
  19. 7pm est tonight they go on sale. They will be gone in a few hours.
  20. 6mg 8-10mls. I chain vape tho. I will empty 3-4 standard cartotanks a day.
  21. Vapor Kings kicks ***! Wish they were my local B&M! I have bought a few from them online. Great people!
  22. Nice 19mm Anodized Blue carto tank shipped today from IBtanked! Be a good tank for El Kaminio!
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