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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. Epic Vape Mail Protank 2's - Mini Protank 2's and Heads.
  2. No fruit in this one! However, it is a sweeter vape, rather then a tobacco'y vape. The caramel candy and Bavarian Cream come thru more then the tobacco. If you like the sweet vape, the Cabana Bread is sweeter then the RY4.
  3. I'm aware of what it is. But when trying to replicate others recipes it is far easier to use percentages. Some measure by weight, others by drops and then some with syringes. Just makes it easier overall for everyone with a percentage recipe vs a drop. For those starting out with Diy, grab the calculator E Juice Makes my life much easier. Best part, it's free!
  4. DIY RY4 , Cabana Bread, Melon Balls and Bananacco!
  5. AppleBacoo II - Work in progress, aka not that great! Melonballs II - On the money! Good stuff! 555 - haven't tried it yet, just shaking it! Cabana Bread - Fabulous! Reminds me of Deadly Sin from GLV. CitroNut -
  6. Looks nice Bint! Be looking better once you get some PT2's on it!
  7. I'm certainly not choking on vapor, its quite tasty actually, no burnt taste whatsoever. It's all equipment and juice dependent. Enjoy your vape the way you like it.
  8. Use percentages when giving recipes! Your drops may be bigger or smaller then my drops!
  9. That's nice looking! It really does look like it was made for your vaping gear!
  10. Never know till you try! Some juices can take it and some can't. For me BB changes flavor drastically between 5-11watts.
  11. Rixter is lying! I have no doubt he'll get some quality hybrids, but sell things! Hah the nerve!
  12. Guidelines, thats all those charts are. Certainly not the end all be all of vaping. Experiment, turn your volts/watts up down all around! Worst that happens is it tastes nasty and your turn it down. However i am using carto's and RBA's. YMMV!
  13. 1.8Ω on my Vapage Vmod XL with a kick cranked all the way up. Which is 10.5 watts i believe. Havent looked at it in awhile tho, Just vape it!
  14. All i got is 30g I'll wrap one later and see what i get. Got some running around to do today.
  15. Gonna have to give this a go! Looks like a good solution to overwicking issue that seems to fill my chamber with the ss mesh overnight. In case your curious what he's using, it's the new AL-1 just a small lol at the book he is vaping!
  16. Nice Rix! I recently sold my barely used stuff or I'd have more! Vivi Nova's, 8 iClears, 6 Protanks, Tatroe Tank, SVD, Vamo, 900mah Twist, 1300mah Spinner, K100, Bolt, RSST, AGAT, IGO-L is the list of recently sold goods! Dam it's a sickness I tell you!
  17. I'm not a fan of swapping tanks. I prefer to grab another mod. Current list Provari, Provari Mini, MVP, Sigelei Custom Mini and Evic. Shortly I'll be looking to acquire another Provari Black w/ Green led this time. I got Carto tanks for them all, plus a few extra hanging around. Probably close to 30 batteries in the charging bin Once I get my coil building where I'm happy w/ it's consistency, I'll look for some ZAP's to put on my 'varis. On the lookout for a zenisis hybrid Carto tank as well.
  18. Just ordered an Nzonic Clone and Nimbus V3 and two SS Bullet Drip tips. Should be roughly 58 bucks. Wait times kill me. Oh well i'll mix more juice!
  19. Update on the previous recipes and a few new ones. Peaches n Cream - Peach flavor is a little light. Few more days to let it round out, Probably play with ratios in next batch. Melon Balls - Fairly tasty overall, mixed a new batch upping flavor percentages by 1% , 9% per flavoring. (steeping) Bananacco - I don't think it has enough Banana, and i'm im not sure i like the tobacco flavor. Work in Progress AppleBacco- Same as Banana above. Work in Progress. RWhy4 by tc1 - Make it and Vape it. Period. It's great! (link in original post) Did more mixing today! Again all mixes are 6mg 50/50 and mostly TFA flavoring with a few FA (Flavour Art) thrown in. 555 10% 555 Type DK Tobacco (TFA) AppleBacco II 8% Granny Smith Apple (TFA) 10% Mellow Tobacco (FA) Melon Balls II 9% Honeydew (TFA) 9% Canteloupe (TFA) CitroNut 10% Citrus Mix (FA) 2% Coconut Extra (TFA) .65% Sweetener (TFA) Cabana Bread (recipe by sturat5150 ecf) 7% Caramel Candy (TFA) 7% Banana Nut Bread (TFA) 3% Ripe Banana (TFA) 3% Bavarian Cream (TFA) 2% Eythl Malto (TFA)
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