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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. For the most part I use efest daily. I have 2 orbtronic's that I use one in awhile in my provari. My main reason is price. I get efest thru coop's for $1.50-3.00 18350/18500/18650. So when I can get 3 for the price of one, an hour or two difference doesn't matter to me. I take 3 devices to work w/ me so run time isn't an issue. I always have extra batteries w/ me anyway.
  2. If you have to use the knurled portion to unscrew it from your device, you put it on way to tight.
  3. RSST. Great begining Genesis Atomizer. The tank is sealed plastic so you dont have to worry about shorting out on the bottom. Opening up a the airhole a little and add a silicone insert to center post to stop leaks and you're good to go!
  4. Got my glass tubes, silicone washers and inserts to turn my rsst into glass tanks! Note the diagram for trimming the washers.
  5. I got hybrids and genny's etc, 3/4 of the time im vaping on a carto tank on my provari. Grip it n Rip it! Don't have to worry about anything breaking, hot spots etc.
  6. Lol i just made 120ml of DiY juice today. I'll be making 45-60ml more tomorrow.
  7. Here's everyone! Left to right.. Provari AGAt2 - Rainbow Elite Hybrid - Vmod XL - MVP w/ IBtanked - Evic w/ Lil Mama Black cartotank - Provari Mini with Fogger - Nzonic Clone w/ Nimbus - Custom Sigelie Mini w/ Bella Tank
  8. Made 120ml of juice and played with my AGAT-2 Will have to play with screws tomorrow.
  9. Apple Bacco III worked out well and is a tasty Juice, banana Cream pie is tasty as well. Peachy Glee is great as is the Orange Dreamsicle. Mixed up some Peachy Glee and Another Peach variant from Uno Mas, RWhy4 by tc1, Carmel Apple(test batch)
  10. I picked up a pack of brass chicago screws to fix this issue. Pics once i get it installed. Have to file it down a bit to fit.
  11. Most PV's are like this, even a Provari. Takes a pretty excessive leak to get into the body of the unit tho.
  12. EKOWOOL Silica Wick (Diameter in mm: 3 Hollow) EKOWOOL Silica Wick (Diameter in mm: 2.5 Threaded) EKOWOOL Silica Wick (Diameter in mm: 1 Hollow) XS-116 Silica Sleeving We'll see how they work out!
  13. Got it yesterday. Got a pretty nasty voltage drop that appears to be because of the crappy spring in the switch. I'll be getting a brass screw to replace the spring in the battery compartment, Which should make it beastly.
  14. Im glad someone else mentioned the difference between the 33mhz chipset in most mods and the Provari/Nivel/DNA chipsets!
  15. IMO , I would not get the same thing in a different package. I was in a coop for custom Sigelei minis, same chipset, we received them in late July, people are starting to report button misfire problems just like you experienced with kmax.
  16. I purchase my mods through coops or classifieds i don't do retail The mvp charges with a micro usb cable. The usb port you see on the bottom is for charging something else like a cell phone. Silly Innoken.
  17. You need to start DIY Spydre! What you just spent i can make 40 bottles of different flavors 30ml each!
  18. The VTR is odd in that only certain tanks will fit inside the hole. iClear's, i'm pretty sure KPT2's fit also. I also don't care for the rheostat that they use to change voltage/wattage. Just looks like a poor implementation from my point of view. And really no electronics?
  19. I finally cleaned my Nimbus up and tossed in a dual coil. Went a little lower then i wanted, ended up at .5ohm Billows huge clouds tho. On my Nzonic Clone.
  20. The chipset is essentially the brain of the PV. It is the regulation for the entire system, the menu etc etc. The chipset that is used in all those mods you mentioned is the 33mhz chip. Called that because that is the frequency that the chipset regulates its voltage on. It is also the cause of the rattle snake sound when you hit the fire button. That is the power pulsing on/off to regulate itself to the power you selected. As far as KPT's they should fit any device as they are a standard 510 connection. The key with any device not just ones mentioned here is how you attach devices to it. Screw down until you just barely get some resistance and stop, it does not need to be snug. Some devices have a deeper 510 then others. What will sit flush on one mod probably will not do so on another. If you overtighten a device it has the possibility of pushing your 510 connection pin down and causing what some will call a problem with their atomoizers not working on one mod or another. Common occurence with people new to vaping. As far as the MVP goes. It depends if having an ohms checking is important to you as to whether you need MVP 2 or can suffice with 1.5. Only difference between 1-1.5 is the ego cone threading, 1.0 does not have that. MVP 2 has variable wattage and an ohm checking capability. MVP2 fire button takes a little bit of oomph to push, just shy of 2lbs of pressure. I agree with you that you should try to hold the mods in your hands before purchase just to see what works for you and is comfortable.
  21. I'll answer your questions later tonight if they haven't been answered yet!
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