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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. 18500's button and flat left, as well as chargers
  2. Small coop test in the classifieds. I know i discussed it previously. Limited space available.
  3. There is never a need to crank down a device on your mods. If some work and others don't its generally the pin on the device itself not the mod.
  4. Banana Tobacco! Ohhhh it's tasty! Get a bigger bottle then you think you would like tho! Both of these are 100vg just so you're aware.
  5. Only way to sample is to either buy it or know someone who has it. Very few shops are authorized retailers. If you do order some, please ensure you are ordering from https://www.avejuice.com/index.php and not alienvapor, as they are imposterous scum. Boba's and Gorilla Juice are GD tasty!
  6. They sold out in hours. Button fix is
  7. It's coming i believe, most vendors were dumping V1 for 25ish bucks lately.
  8. For starters I would recommend the hybrid elite. V2 seems to have fixed the switch issue. There is a discussion in the new products forum. That way you can check it out without dropping load of cash.
  9. Bacon and red bull, think I puked in my mouth lol!
  10. ouch coulda got 100ft off ebay for $8, usually shipped same day. I'm sorry for your loss!
  11. Once you get comfortable with wrapping coils, give this a shot for improved vapor and flavor!
  12. The best thing i could say for a budget, and yes i know of difficulties you endure. Is to start rebuilding your protank coils and DiY Juice. 100ft spool of 30g Kanthal Wire $8ish bucks on ebay. Bag of cotton balls is 2 bucks. You have supplies to rebuild heads for years. And honestly, i haven't actually rebuilt a head in over a month, just replaced the cotton. Protank heads are real easy to rebuild, videos everywhere, and they usually outperform stock heads. This is easily the biggest expense other then juice. As far as Juice Well Diy is the answer unfortunately. Average 30ml bottle of juice we'll call it $10 bucks, some juice is upwards of $15ish but we'll stick to 10 as its a nice round number. That 30ml bottle costs approximately 33 cents per ml. That same 30ml if you diy it, 4-5 cents a ml. Need stronger flavors, great add a little more flavoring to your liking. want a certain mg of nicotine, great make it how you like. It's Buger King in your house, you can have it your way! Again these are my opinions, and they may not be for everyone.
  13. Bwhahaha custom built from a coop over on ecf.
  14. Please don't compare the vapor clouds you see on YouTube videos to what you get at home. A lot of those aren't daily vape devices, they're drippers etc. Lighting seems to have a huge effect of perception as well. You can get nice thick, tasty clouds out of a basic boge Carto and stick battery. You are correct that the Evic is limited in power. It tops out at 5v/11watts. Try this, find my post regarding micro coils and cotton wicks. Build 1.3-1.5ohm micro coil on a bed of cotton. See how that works for you.
  15. Got some NI Foam coming as well. It is more used to increase wicking greatly with genny style wicks. Not so good as a wick itself. Some more pics when i get it.
  16. I can do the same for Efest batteries 18650/18500/18650 Button or flat top and lLuc efest chargers. Charger 13.99 batteries range from 2.18-3.53 depending on flat/nipple and battery size. Those prices are all before fee's/shipping are added to them tho.
  17. There is no per unit commitment per person. As a whole we need to reach an Minimal Ordering Quantity (MOQ) For Kanger products that is 50 for most items. Heads i can get by with whatever we need to order. The more we order the cheaper things get obviously. As an example my last coop these were the prices. Protank 2 $10.53 Mini Protank2 (w/ Removable drip tip) $7.83 5pk of 1.8 or 2.2Ω heads $3.28. Each member is also responsible for $1.00 Incidental fee which covers my gas, labels, tape etc. As well as paypal fee's and the Priority shipping fee depending on size of order $5.15 for small flat rate or $5.70 for padded envelope. All calculations are done via formulas on a spreadsheet which everyone has access to. If said person orders 1 protank you wont be saving much because you would come out to around $17, the discount comes when ordering multiple items.
  18. The only thing that you need to watch out for in ss cable is to ensure that you are indeed getting Pure stainless steel cable. Not the stuff with the galvanized core down the middle. 7x7 or 7x19 seems to the best bang for your buck wicking wise. I use a 7x7 cable in my Rsst with an ekowool hat. Note the glass tank Rocking 1.1Ω with my Provari at 4.1 Volts.
  19. If you guys want, I can try a smaller coop over here for protank 2's minis and heads. I would need a commitment from those that are interested tho. If you aren't aware of how a coop works its goes like this. We work up a general idea of how many of what folks want..I talk to the rep get prices for the amount of goods decided upon, plus freight and paypal/customs fee's. These fee's all get figured into the price of the items. I then send out invoices via paypal. Once all monies are collected i send payment to the vendor, who in turn ships out the product a few days later. I get everything delivered to the house, inventory it, pack it up and ship it out to the members. I know the numbers aren't too big over here. But there is alot of people who use the protanks etc. I'm wrapping up a large Kanger coop over on ecf currently, all packages have been shipped out. I will be running a Efest battery/Charger coop over there shortly. There is a great aspire bdc coop happening right now as well. I don't like telling people where to shop, but coops are where it's at. Even if you don't use the forums over there, the access you have to lower priced items is fabulous in the coops/classifieds section. Let me know. Picture of the last kanger coop - I was since banished to the basement for packing etc!
  20. I got some degummed hemp on the way. From what it sounds, its better then cotton!
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