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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. Lets see in my vape world today, I got over an ounce of hemp, a sheet of Nickel Foam and some tiny *** rare earth magnets to put in my Nzonic clone and Hybrid switches. The hemp will be replacing my cotton for wicks. The nickel foam is going to be used as a sleeve for my ss cable and mesh wicks. The foam is a fabulous wicking material, but not great to wrap coils on. Pictures later when i get a chance to play with it. I have to boil/rinse the hemp a few times so i wont get to play with that for a couple days.
  2. Look to the sky you should be able to see it from Indiana! Alaska has northern lights, well Massachusetts is soon to have Eastern Clouds!
  3. Looks like paypal has changed their tune. Most of my vendors paypal address's have changed and they are now associated with their company instead of generic paypal address's. Lets hope it stays that way.
  4. 600 Batteries 50 Luc 2 bay Chargers! 100 of each 18650 Flat/Button - 18500 Flat/button - 18350 flat/button. Soon i will be the most powerful vaper on the east coast! I will wire them in parallel and hit that hybrid!
  5. You know thats gonna be $550+. If you're serious about the order thats 1/3 of of a 50 moq order and almost enough to go with. just add more i'll combine em
  6. This is an interest thread to determine if we can get enough numbers to warrant a group buy. I do not have exact prices or any prices for that matter. Those vary greatly depending on the numbers ordered. I can give you the prices that these exact same items were on my last coop as a reference. More then likely the cost will be a touch higher as i don't expect to order 200 Protanks 200 Mini Protanks and 2500 heads Protank 2's were $10.53, Mini Protank 2 (w/ removable tips) were $7.83 and a 5pk of heads was $3.28. The interest form does not gaurantee anything. It does not commit you to purchase anything or me to provide you anything. It is just that an interest form. The way Coop's work is this. We determine an interest, IE how much we think we need. I contact the vendor get prices for X amount of product. I would start a new thread with an order form, shipping form and link to the spreadsheet for everyone to view. You would place your order for your items, once we meet MOQ (minimum order quantity) , i will send out invoices via paypal. Once all orders have been paid for i will submit payment to the vendor. The items will be shipped to me, i would inventory them, re-pack them and ship them out to you folks. There are a few costs associated with coops. These will all be viewable on the spreadsheet. Paypal is the only acceptable payment option. 1) The product you order 2) Shipping from me to you 3) Incidentals $1.00 per person (this covers bubblewrap, tape, Labels, gas to the post office etc) 4) Paypal fee's $.30+2.9% of your order. (this is non-negotiable) If you send money as a gift you have no recourse for a chargeback. It is for your protection. Beings as this is a smaller community then where i normally run coops, we run into some challenges. Namely being numbers. If you have aren't sure you want to order or can pay for the order in a timely manner please, do not place an order. Reason being is this, if we do not meet our MOQ, there is no order. We do not have the numbers over here to pick up abandoned orders. With all that said... here is the interest form for Protank 2's / Mini Protank 2's and 1.8-2.2 5pk Replacement heads. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1w32oakPM2iQnlt0yKOZvRxQbLJP-kieXm4d0U4cOtoI/viewform https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmTMUIcI2r_gdFZVZ2VSZ3N0WjRfZ0JmVDYtdnFRT0E#gid=0
  7. Looks like tasty juice! Hmmm let me look around.
  8. Yes it will! I meant to send a pm earlier..thats what i forgot to do. I have initiated a transfer of funds from paypal to my bank account. It says 3-4 buss days, no later then 11/15. Then i have to go to the bank and send a wire transfer, again 3-4 days. Which means order will more then likely not ship for 7-10 days. If paypal went through it would have shipped tomorrow.
  9. Change in the coop world is coming. Looks like PayPal is blocking a lot of payments to china. A few hosts that I spoke with had the same issue trying to pay for their coops,via PayPal. Payments won't go thru. It's mostly due to FT's horrible shipping and trying to sneak batteries thru customs etc. PayPal is getting tens of thousands of dollars in charge backs. Rather then deal with it they are cutting off a lot of the vendors over there. What does this mean for coops? Additional time. Payments are no longer instantaneous. I have to collect money via PayPal, transfer money to bank account which takes 3-4 days. Goth the bank and send a wire transfer, again 3-4 days. So this will be adding at least another week to all coops in the future. Hopefully this is a temporary situation.
  10. Alien Vision, most of their juice is 100% vg. Ben has a PG allergy and starting mixing juice to avoid having the allergy issue. He has his flavorings made for him 100% vg. But yes i agree most flavorings are pg or alcohol so 100% vg would be hard to reach.
  11. Got some hemp and and a sheet of Nickel Foam coming. Hemp will be replacing my cotton/silica wicks. The nickel foam will be used as a sleeve on my ss wire/mesh wicks. The foam greatly increases wicking ability enough that I can chain vape vertically!
  12. Not even volume, can still get good prices with smaller quantities. Vamo's for example came out to just under $38 each. This included figuring in 3 additional units in case of DOA Units.
  13. It can be done. Just a different vendor that's all.
  14. It's not necessarily per person, more of a total. I would think i should be able to get minimum 50 of each type tank and 1000 heads, note they count individual heads, so that would be 200 5pks. Would be split 50/50 100 1.8 and 100 2.2. We'll see what we get with the interest thread. Again tho, we would need a solid commitment from those that sign up. If i get a PI for lets say 75 tank because someone wanted 15 and they back out, we don't have the numbers here to cover alot of "extras" . Have to wait and see.
  15. Nimbus with dual coils measuring .5Ω - beastly! Click for video
  16. Last coop they were $10.53 protank $7.83 Mini
  17. Let me finish with the majority of the work with the battery coop and i'll put up an interest thread for Protank 2/Mini and heads. We'll see what kinda numbers we get.
  18. im sitting on SvoeMesto Kayfun v3.1 ES Styled Rebuildable Atomizer (4.5mL) From FT.. ordered 10/26 - scheduled to ship 11/12
  19. 3.50ish per 5 pk..then add shipping/fee's from me to you. Buy one pk not really saving with shipping and all..when you buy multiple sis where the savings comes from.
  20. Varies depending on the number ordered. More = Cheaper. Shipping charges vary during times of year as well. The shipping, paypal fee to vendor and custom fee's need to be added in as well. Unfortunately you can't get prices without committing to a Purchase Invoice.
  21. Only problem with a coop is the Minimum order quantity. Kanger is 100 and im pretty sure Davides are the same possibly 75. Be hard to hit them numbers over here i think.
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