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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. Every coffee juice/flavorings i have tried, gunks up my coils horribly fast.
  2. This is another great way to build genny's! I got something spiffy coming with some hemp and nickel foam. Once i get the hemp cleaned up i'll post some pics.
  3. Standard protank/evod heads come with 2-3 flavor wicks on top of the coil. If you are vaping anything higher then 70/30pg/vg, you could possible experience the dry/burnt vape taste. Easily fixed tho. Pop the center tube off and remove 1-2 of the flavor wicks. Will increase wicking
  4. Covering up your junk is always a good thing!
  5. I also keep a bottle in the work truck! In the summer it comes in the house as the heat will make it nasty. Only problem in the winter is it will turn to sludge until warmed up. The winter is hell on wicking in Genny's too.
  6. This thread reminds me that i am low on Boba's! All i got left is whats in my AGA-T!
  7. V2 is available. Not a fan of the price! http://www.surevapes.com/Elite-v2-Hybrid-Mod_p_520.html
  8. Yea im not a fan of the 3 right now. I am waiting on a line for the aspire bdc.
  9. Im still waiting for my Kayfun clone to ship from FT! slow as hell..looks like its on backorder now.
  10. Lol at the explanations! Doesnt work so well with beer cans!
  11. There is never a need to apologize Spydre! Get back on track, there will be others It's Sunday in the Far East today so not much going on there today. I should be able to get some sort of answers tomorrow night.
  12. I'll see if i can't talk to my rep again sunday night and see what i can do with the Kanger stuff.
  13. The aspire/davide numbers are more in line with what we got for interest here.
  14. I also got my feelers out for a Davide / Aspire DBC contact that I believe would have no issue with lower numbers.
  15. In a circling pattern at the moment. My normal vendor won't touch an order smaller then 200 tanks right now. I got a line on a authorized vendor for Kanger products, just waiting to see how it pans out.
  16. For a quality carto tank that wont break the bank. Check out http://www.ibtanked.com/ You can customize your colors sizes etc. They are glass as well so you don't have to worry about juice cracking tanks. I mostly use carto tanks for work. They are great, smaller chance at failure then a genny/rba etc. I use my Rba's at home. Once in awhile one of them will make their way to work with me. But the carto tank / Provari combo is just a grip it and rip it combo for me.
  17. Haha i like to fill a glass with vapor and pour it out.
  18. Yea the heads are not backwards compatible with the older tanks and i believe you can't use the regular heads in this one.
  19. There is no voltage regulation in a mechanical. Battery in a tube with a switch. As the battery power decreases so does the voltage to the 510 connection. Most regulated mods are incapable of firing a sub ohm load, so mech's are needed. It's just a different way to vape.
  20. however the Protanks interest isnt looking so hot...39 PT2's 27 Mini's so far.. pretty sure my rep will laugh at me
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