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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. Yep, go ahead and dry burn you'll coils. Will make them about 90% of a new coil.
  2. A mesh wick is one of many ways they can be built. You can do cotton/hemp, aluminum oxide or ceramic wicks. I will be rebuilding my rsst and hybrid with a hemp wick wrapped in nickel foam in the next couple days. I will take some pics for you guys.
  3. 1) remove stem and flavor wicks. 2) place back in base 3) dry burn by pulsing until you can see the crud burning off the coils. I wouldn't go over 4v. 4) you can soak overnight in cheap vodka if you choose 5) replace flavor wicks and stems 6) vape
  4. Peaches n cream white yarn works well. Can get it at walmart also.
  5. Overall good job! My only suggestion is to change the legs on your coil. Make the positive post come from bottom of coil and the negative from the top. In your current config, it is possible for you to get a hard short. It's safer that way.
  6. kanthal is cheap enough not to bother
  7. Beware of cola if you use plastic tanks, as it is a tank cracker.
  8. Got my stock of Carto's from sure vapes. Shipped same day I ordered! Just waiting on two rocket tanks from FT now.
  9. Yea just pull one of those flavor wicks out. That should do it. Another thing you can do is replace both of them with a small piece of cotton. This will take some experimentation to get the right size that allows wicking without flooding or dry hits.
  10. Be careful with that. There really isn't a need to go below where you are. I know you are aware of the dangers as you actually found a safe battery. Would just hate to see that you melted your face !
  11. Yea the protank almost requires a flavor wick in order to hold back the juice in the tank. You will have to experiment with the size tho.
  12. Just picked up 5 packs of boge cartos from sure vapes for 24.99 can't beat that with a stick!
  13. Without removing a flavor wick you can get one maybe two medium size vapes before a dry hit. Pulling out a flavor wick is simple, pop the stem, use a pair of tweezers to remove one of the small wicks. Reposition the other to the middle of the coil. I have found with anything over a 50/50 blend this is more the usual for me. One of the reasons I don't use my kpt's /minis to often anymore. I tire of fidgeting with them.
  14. If you DIY, the cabana bread recipe in my DIY thread is a banana bread type recipe. I lay no claim to the recipe, it was passed along to me.
  15. I agree with everyone else! Good advice as usual. Get a pair of nice 1300 twist/spinner's and a few Kanger Protanks/ aspire tanks and some replacement heads. I do not recommend an advanced pv just yet.
  16. While playing with electricity of this nature please don't be around anyone else, especially kids. If you wish to melt your face off by doing dangerous things without using the proper equipment feel free. Just don't place anyone else in danger with your shenanigans.
  17. My only comment regarding AV juice is to be careful because GJ and BB are 100% vg. They do not wick very well in bcc's without removing one of the flavor wicks out of the coil.
  18. Is it possible you are chain vaping and the heads can't keep up with the wicking?
  19. Do not stack batteries to charge.i would buy a good charger that has auto shutoff to prevent overcharging. The nitecore i2 or luc charger are good. If you want to spend a little more an xtar or pila are good as well.
  20. It's been awhile, but the head should screw off the tank. Then you can soak it in alcohol.
  21. Evic w/ Bella tank - DIY Apple-Bacco Provari Ibtanked - DIY RY4 Provari Fogger 1.3ohm DIY Orange Cream Thats what's within reach at 545 in the morning!
  22. For batteries I would look for AW IMR's in the size you want. As for charger, look for something that has auto shutoff. Luc, nitecor i2/4 bay.
  23. http://www.vaperoyalty.com/nzonic-v3-mod-1/
  24. The eh pro Nzonic clone is a well built unit as well!
  25. I'll be rebuilding my Fogger and my initial build on my KFL tonight, I'll try to get some pics up. I might rebuild my rsst and dripper as well. Depends how the first two go.
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