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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. Proetus

    Mech mods

    You left the kick portion out of that statement! If you can cram an 18650 and a kick into your k100 thats fabulous!
  2. Chimney build really only works with bottom airflow devices. The dragon coil is great on drippers and genesis style tanks tho.
  3. Proetus

    Mech mods

    From reading your posts and you're general style of vaping, I would not steer you towards a mech mod. A lot of the buttons are finicky, hard to press on the clones. Some require modification to perform well. Yes there some that are well made and have no issues, different argument, different day. They only have a 510 connection, no ego threading. If you are planning on kicking it, you're adding another $45 to your purchase. As well as needing to purchase 18500 batteries as 18650's won't work as they are too big. I use my mech for one thing, my drippers, which are no where near a daily use device for me. I would suggest finding another VV/VW device that fits your style. You are in no rush to get said device as you have daily driver. Take your time and watch some videos. VTR comes up frequently as a nice device, look around can get em for 90ish. Just my thoughts from reading your posts, it all comes down to what you want!
  4. Excellent choices on them juices! Those two were definitely a daily vape for me when I was buying juice! Matter of fact it might be time to buy some!
  5. The hemp requires about 24hours of preparation. However I won't have to change the hemp for about 3 weeks.
  6. The coop was for the mini, The 18500 extended cap and the 18650 tube were add ons that we had requested be made. It is not a telescoping unit. The tubes and extended caps are to be able to use it in any mode. Makes it great for those times i need a 18650 instead of 350/500. The mini was $39.87 which included the 18500 extended cap, the 18650 tube was $4.00 and the trim rings were $1.00. Overall excellent products for what was paid.
  7. Got some new goodies in today. Another Custom Sigelei Mini. This time with a Horizontal Lines, Flattop, 18500 Cap and 18650 extension tube. As well as a few Trim rings for my Provari's. Left to right - Provari w/ Trim ring and KFL Clone (looks sweet!) - Original Custom Mini w/ 18500 extended cap - New flattop Mini in 18350 mode with 18650 tube, 18500 cap and trim rings in front. batteries in back for size. Mini Few more comparison pics 18650 Provari vs Custom Mini 18500 Provari mini w/ Extended cap Vs Custom Mini 18350 Provari Mini Vs Custom Mini
  8. Yep that's where I got the Rockets and KFL Clone. 12.93 for rockets and 21.54 for SvoeMesto Kayfun v3.1 ES Styled Rebuildable Atomizer
  9. They are hard to catch in stock. Google kayfun lite or Russian 91%. They are the same thing with minor differences. The parts are literally interchangeable. History lesson! The kayfun was designed by two guys, who then split up after some issues. They both released their own devices. Prices on those are $99-125 If you don't mind a 3-4 week wait you can order the clone from fasttech for around 25.
  10. Short answer, to prevent flooding. Long answer, if you look at the second picture, you can see the two channels on the base and that run up the sides of the deck. This is how the juice gets from the tank to the coil. In the last picture you can see the base of the chimney that goes from the bottom up to just past the coils. The channels allow the juice to flow up and keep the hemp saturated. With the packing just right, you should never get a dry hit or flooding. In essence the vertical chimney build is a super Carto. Hope that helps!
  11. Stuff in your second link doesn't work very well. If you want some solid hemp info and don't mind reading a lot, google 'ecf just hemp' 1000+ posts regarding hemp.
  12. Rebuildable would be my KFL, be getting another one soon. For grab n go would be one of my Provari's and a Carto tank.
  13. If you aren't familiar with coil building I would get a cheap dripper to practice with. Other then that, you can't go wrong with a kayfun type.
  14. Love the hemp. So much more robust then cotton. Can generally go 3-4 weeks before having to change it. Takes about a day to clean it between the oxyclean soak, and boil/rinse cycles. Takes about two tanks before it's broken in tho. http://www.hemptraders.com/product-p/f-dg1.htm However that's sold by the Kilogram. More then you'll ever use. Maybe get together with some other folks here and go in together.
  15. Alright i never got around to posting more pics of the KFL coil as i just got on a roll and built it without taking any pictures. Building my two Rockets which are essentially the same build. On a side note, the blue turned purple after soaking with dawn dishsoap wtf! Coils built 1.7Ω and a 2.0Ω. Closeup First wrap of hemp before installing the chimney. The hemp was presoaked to enable positioning and it also makes it easier because its expanded already. With chimney installed and additional hemp packed in. Finish assembly, fill and vape!
  16. You can use and RBA with the SVD however you will need to build the coils a around 1.5ohm
  17. Finally got my rockets today. KFL clones that work as well as the original at 1/4 of the price. I'll post some pics of the build later, gotta get em cleaned up first. Will be a vertical chimney with hemp and maybe cotton on the Second one.
  18. Correct! Maintains the sub ohm capability. The only sub ohm VW I'm aware of is the DNA 20. I'm not sure if the DNA 12 has the capability. Listed specs show 1ohm, however it will fire down to .6
  19. Here's a pic if my KFL coil. I'll try and grab one next time I open it up to refresh the hemp. I need to find a spacer for the neg post so the leg is even instead of angled.
  20. Yes RBA/RDA generally chew up the juice. I've been using my Kayfun 3.1 steadily the last 3 days and I'm going thru 2-3 tanks a day. It holds 4.5-5ml. That's also using 2-3 other mods as well, cartotanks and my fogger. KFL has a vertical chimney build w/ hemp at 1.4ohms.
  21. I agree! You just need to remove flavor wicks with a higher vg juice. Remove one for 50-70vg and remove both for 70+
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