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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. A drop of superglue on the ribbon cable and we're mounting the cradle and top cap! 5 Min epoxy. Probably gonna sit till after dinner. I might even let it sit till tomorrow morning.
  2. Functional test before final assembly! I upgraded the battery in and atty out wires to 20awg. Click for video The dog after listening to me swear for an hour!
  3. Lol i just can't do it! I get 4 for that price..i have a sickness! Admitting it is the first step!
  4. Hopefully done with this one this weekend. Alot of learning in this one, it was expected tho.
  5. I would love to buy 250 batteries from a US vendor, however they get them from the same place i get them and i highly doubt they will sell them to me at 5.45 a cell for the LG ICR18650HE2. From placing order to box on my doorstep is generally 7 days. I second RTD for small quantities of batteries as well
  6. China! Altho I buy lots at a time so my prices don't really count. My last battery order was 600 Efest and 50 Luc chargers $3.21-4.79 for 18350/500/650's chargers were $15.40. Right now I got a line on the new LG 30 amp $5.43 a piece to my door. I'll be taking that train here shortly. As far as ordering batteries from FT, they might make it through customs and they might not. It's a crap shoot.
  7. Currently - Either of my Provari's with KFL Near future - DNA20/30 and KFL/Taifun
  8. http://www.provape.com/v/images/ProVariManual.pdf Scroll to bottom for a list of Provari error codes.
  9. I'm so gd irritated right now. I removed the 22awg wires from battery input to "attempt" to solder on some 20awg wires for the input from the battery, i can not solder these gd things on for the life of me. Either the tip on this thing is so gd horrible that it isn't heating things up properly or i just suck at soldering. I ordered new tips and a cleaner, gonna put this down before i break the dam thing. Back to waiting for parts.
  10. Just ordered 10 tips for my soldering iron and a steel tip cleaner. Ebay!
  11. Good news Josh! The internet high five..just awesome.
  12. GD FT...my Taifun GT's that were scheduled to ship 2/25 are magically on back order...they might ship sometime next week....
  13. Hilarious that they are making money from recalled devices!
  14. I agree with Will 100%. The .5 amp charging board takes a year to charge even a 1-2000mah battery let alone trying to charge anything over that. Most definitely use a 1amp board. The board listed is the board I used but mine is in micro USB I believe. Evolv is scrambling to fulfill dna30 orders right now. They had issues with suppliers for certain pieces of the board, which set them back a week or so. The demand is incredible right now.
  15. Define bulk! My last buy we ordered 123 and 100 charging boards. That was early February, still haven't shipped. Karen at evolv said hopefully today.
  16. Let me know if you find a chip that isn't twice the normal price. Ensure you use proper battery safety, the correct batteries, fuses etc.
  17. IT'S ALIVE!!! All i have left is a few solder connections and to epoxy pieces into final places tomorrow night and come sat morning i should be the proud owner of a diy DNA20!
  18. Hopefully sometime tonight or tomorrow. I have to cut the window for the display and solder it up.
  19. Small update! I wasn't expecting my soldering iron until fri/sat so i have been procrastinating! Well it arrived today, so i figured i should get moving! I got the Fire button installed as well as the up/down wattage buttons. Pictures show a KFL on top. Never mind the tape, it's there so i don't scratch up the paint. You can ignore the busted *** unfinished wall in the background too, im in the basement! Maybe more later, we'll see off to make some food.
  20. I can finally get to work! New Soldering station and Flux arrived today!
  21. Should be seeing you post in the vapemail received thread today or tmw!
  22. Make sure the plug for fill hole is removed as well. Like others have mentioned, if the wick swells and plugs airflow into tank, creates a vacuum causing wicking issues also.
  23. Just rewicked my KFL which lives atop my Provari Mini currently. 1.5 micro coil w/ cotton. Need to twist up some kanthal.
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