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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. Send it back, they send me a new one!
  2. Gonna be a good week! Taifun GT's have landed! 2014-03-16 15:40:00 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ISC NEW YORK EPACKET Arrival at Sorting Center
  3. Woohoo Vapemail day!! Holy crap! 996mg Nic! Need biohazard suit! 166ml of this raw nic will make over 1600ml of 100mg Nic! Good to go for awhile! Flavorings are super concentrated, most i should need is 2-5% per recipe. DNA30's! and a evolv charging board. It's only 500ma but its tiny, Will go in one of the smaller mods i have planned.
  4. No thanks, 1hour battery life im all set!
  5. My DNA20 board is being RMA'd. However on the plus side my 30's arrived today so i'll just turn it into a 30!
  6. I suppose anything is possible. I'll have a peek at it tomorrow night, i'm irritated with it at the moment. I have 2 DNA30's showing up tomorrow, maybe i'll just swap it out.
  7. Check Hammond enclosures, various sizes. Not sure what happened but dna is acting up. I lost the ability to adjust wattage yesterday. Turned out to be a bad button, no big deal replaced em both to be safe. Well now my screen is extremely dim and doesn't brighten when firing. It is also only outputting at 3 volts regardless of wattage and resistance. Awaiting reply from evolv.
  8. Soooo close! Rainbow 1300 Spinner Miniprotank - Custom Sigelei 18350 flattop Mini Protank - Evic Lil Mama cartotank - Custom Sigelei 18650 Ibtanked Carto tank - MVP. Lil mama cartotank - DNA20(I built it) KFL - Provari Bella Elegance Tank - Nzonix Clone Nimbus - Rainbow Elite Hybrid - Provari Mini Ibtanked Carto tank - Vapage Vmod XL(bottom feeder) Not pictured toppers - AGA-T , RSST modified with custom glass stainless steel wick wrapped in nickel foam., few cartotanks.
  9. Decided it was time for a new pic since the last one is out of date now! Left to right any guess's on mods with correct toppers on em?
  10. Rebuilt my dripper and KFL today to make them more suitable for the DNA20 Both of em are twisted 30g coming in at .9 at 20 Watts.
  11. I got two TGT's coming from FT, unsure if from hcigar tho.
  12. That is actually a chi you top cap. You can certainly use any 510 connection, there are quite the variety of them out there. Can actually see the threads in this picture. To me an adjustable pin is needed. Especially with side airflow atty's where air isn't required from the bottom, i like them to sit flush. These connections are quite popular right now and seem fairly robust. Mad Vapes Carries a large selection of 510's as well. However those are all softer metals and would probably strip after a bit with a ss atty being attatched to it. At the least the threads would get loose.
  13. http://www.kidneypuncher.com/the-russian-91-v2-rba/
  14. 300 usps ship n click labels! I'm an exciting person! 11.99 couldnt lose! Got tired of paying $4 for 20 at walmart!
  15. As far as normal supplies, as you know most things in the vaping world come from China.. Their New Year Holiday throws everything out of whack as far as supply. They basically shut everything down for a week and a half. Things should start returning to normal here shortly.
  16. It's crammed in there pretty good. Tight fight for all the components. Scary part was having the ribbon cable laying precariously in there as the epoxy fro screen cradle dried.Then mounting the chip 180 on the back of the cradle with my popsicle stick!
  17. Alright all finished up! I am quite pleased with myself. Was a little challenging as it had been a long time since i soldered anything. Learned a few lessons along the way which will help immensely in the next builds. Quality Soldering station is a must, a standard $10 non adjustable iron probably wont cut it. Be careful around the ribbon cable. Try not to let it flop around too much. I didn't break mine but i was mindful of it at all times. Take your time with the cutouts! for the cradle i went at it a little haphazardly and you can tell if you look at the hole. The charging port came out much better imo. Next one will be a a 30 with a Lipo.
  18. Mounts for Dna chip on the back of the cradle. Didn't want to put epoxy directly on the back of the screen for fear of it doing bad things to the screen.
  19. Almost done, have to re-solder a fire button lead on board, will finish that later..lunch time
  20. All the parts for the build are listed in the first post. Looking good BD! Where did you get the fire button?
  21. Probably thinking WTF! I'll let a few people try n figure what the hell im doing with popsicle sticks
  22. And it dawns on me i Have mounted everythng upside down in the box! Haha look the logo in the box!
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