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Everything posted by Proetus

  1. Proetus

    DNA 50!

    lol for some reason th at made me think of this song. NSFW or kids!
  2. Proetus

    DNA 50!

    Passthru already done! Beyond me tho, i'll stick to batteries! http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/battery-mods/548689-dna-30-passthru-project.html
  3. Proetus

    DNA 50!

    Yea that ones a monster, 2+ days at 16-18 watts. 1.5 over 20, we'll see how the little guy makes out.
  4. Proetus

    DNA 50!

    Well it's finally done. After a week hiatus due to being out of town for work last week. I finally was able to get it finished up. Im waiting on some epoxy to finish curing on the buttons and i want to fit some foam between the battery and the board so that the screen sits flush and square against the faceplate. I'm going to fully charge it up tonight and give it the test tomorrow at work. It needs a few touch ups with paint but after that it'll be all set. 1st is the mod without a faceplate, next two are with the blue plate and then the red plate. The screen doesn't shine through the red as well as it does on the blue. Last one is the size difference between my two day monster! Enjoy the pics! Still waiting on the dam 20 to be mailed out!!
  5. I use any version of a microcoil basically. Depends what I have time for.
  6. They exist, are hard to get a hold of and are problematic. The issue arises because the metal and the poly tanks are threaded and the glass is press fit. Prone to leaking and popping off Carto tank style. I was hesitant to use the metal tank as well because of not being able to see the juice as well. After a few days I know about when it's starting to get empty and kinda like it now.
  7. Working on finding the manufacturer for the enclosure. They are cast and not milled like Hanna mods so they are extremely cheap.
  8. Proetus

    DNA 50!

    just a little something i came across regarding the chinese DNA Clones. At dam near the same price as an actual dna board, i'll stick with the real deal.
  9. Proetus

    DNA 50!

    Well it's fully functional and working as intended. However the fitting into the enclosure isn't to my liking. I'll have to rework the battery configuration to get it to sit like i want it to before i am happy with it. I am out of town for the next few days so it will have to wait.
  10. Yes the penelope is a RTA before the time of kayfuns/R91/TGT's.
  11. Proetus

    DNA 50!

    Final wiring done! Test firing before final assembly while waiting for some epoxy to dry. Click for video!
  12. Proetus

    DNA 50!

    Little more done with this today. Got the charge board epoxied in and most of the wiring done. Just have final board wiring tomorrow after the expoxy on the charge board dries. Obviously its next to my monster Big Blu 5800Mah goodness that lasts dam near 3 days at 20 watts.Quite the size difference.The red faceplate is a sample from a vendor that makes them for me. Faceplates come in Red, Blue, clear or Tinted. They make ornaments and signs and other things of that nature like my brewery sign
  13. I know there are a bunch of you spinner/twist folks!
  14. How you making out with this project?
  15. It honestly just looks like an opus D that was reskinned with a decal. No idea on the status of 1 of 4 tho. Opus D was discontinued awhile ago, replaced by the dna30 model. Easy enough to determine which you have. Does it go to 20 or 30 watts. It's nothing spectacular with the 1500 mah battery in it. It is a well built mod however.
  16. I got about 6 I rotate thru currently, all DIY. Ry4, orange cream, applebacco, cabana bread, peachy glee and a gorilla juice clone. Working on a vanilla custard.
  17. How you making out with this?
  18. Proetus

    DNA 50!

    Got a bit more of the initial wiring done last night. Got the batteries, charging board, buttons and 510 wired up. Took a bit longer then the last one due to new connectors, fuses and dual batteries.Might have to redo a little of it due to space constraints. Not sure if the quick connector is gonna make the final cut. As nice as it is, it's a touch big. Hoping to finish it up in the next couple days.
  19. Proetus

    DNA 50!

    Sprayed the boxes this afternoon. First one is Hammered Dark Bronze and the second is Hammered Copper. Both got two coats.
  20. Proetus

    DNA 50!

    So my original 20 chip is being rma'd and i have another 30 sitting here. So i figured what the hell! Let's do a dual build. They will be pretty much the same thing with the exception of one being a 20 and the other being a 30. On to the pictures! Boxes drilled and hand filed for 510 connections, buttons and charging port. Boxes Primed and ready for paint tomorrow. Original 510 connectors from fat daddy vapes Removed the screw in pin and bored out derlin insert for a adjustable spring center pin 1200mah 25c Lipos, each mod will get 2 each for 2400mah Misc wires and connectors that will be used. More to come as i get to it!
  21. Don't be jealous! I will have 3 for sale in the near future!
  22. Good news! Evolv will be sending me a new 20 board to replace the dead board i originally had in here. the 30 i got in it now is a trooper chuggin along for 2+ days at 17 watts @ 1Ω
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