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Everything posted by LetsVapeThe405

  1. Yeah I've got a vivi nova on my vamo and it's alright!! I'm really just looking to step my game up with a high end mod/atty or hybrid unit. Not to mention the beautiful craftsmanship that I so highly respect in every aspect!
  2. Excuse me, ****acquire
  3. The last few months I've discovered many new high end mods such as the zen II, the revision of the ihybrid, and the foggatti hybrid to mention a few. I have been doing all in my power to squire one of these mods!! I live in Oklahoma and am starting to think I don't stand a chance at even getting a high end atty!! What's a kid to do?
  4. Or google electronicstix for the place they will be sold through when released
  5. Thanks for the love! What are you guys vaping on the daily? Juice and mods!
  6. Mad Murdock's is pretty good. Alien visions makes good juice, so does virgin vapors for the more health conscious vaper. I also like mountain oak vapors
  7. No link but if you google House of Hybrids then zens web page comes up
  8. I have no idea why my iPhone keeps double posting stuff
  9. He says they will be sold exclusively through electronicstix so hopefully they aren't such a hard to find mod. Exclusivity is cool and all but that's what the limited editions are for He says they will be sold exclusively through electronicstix so hopefully they aren't such a hard to find mod. Exclusivity is cool and all but that's what the limited editions are for
  10. Went to the zen sight and noticed the coming soon page for the Zen II. Anyone have any info as to what we can expect from the Zen master on this next mod?
  11. Hello, my name in noah and I'm new to vaping. I just got my first pv about 2 weeks ago and have been somewhat obsessed since then! Nothing special just a little vamo vv device, but it seems to be doing well for what it is. Anyway I hope to step my game up soon as i have been doing alotta research, I hope to swoop up a zenesis 2 when they come out.
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