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DragonGunner last won the day on July 30 2015

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About DragonGunner

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  • Location
    Pristina, Kosovo/Kirkuk, Iraq
  • Interests
    Family, Motorcycles & Guns, and Vaping.

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  1. Thanks everyone. Ya the replacement screen itself is normally only $5 or something like that. I may do what you said Comp and email them for a new screen replacement. Installation is straight forward and something I can do myself (maybe I should buy 2 or 3 spares just in case my clumsy fingers mash the little thing. Lol. Ya I want it badly but $55 I'm not sure yet. Thanks though.
  2. I'm set but had a tad bit of bad luck. I busted the screen on the Reuleaux and need to get a replacement dna 200d screen. ;( The mod works fine but the screen is toast. Its an easy fix and I'm not bothered too much. I can do the fix myself but just need to get my hands on that little elusive screen. Everything else is working awesome. I'm really tasting my juice in a new way with higher wattages. I'm totally in love with the OBS Crius RTA with the velocity deck. The Aromamizer is also great but I think the OBS takes the cake. I still have to try the Bellus and the Crown by Uwell.
  3. Hi all. Encountered some bad luck today and cracked my dna 200 screen. By chance does anyone have a replacement lying about that I can buy. The only place I can find that has them for sale is stealthvape.co.uk and they are out of stock. I would be greatly indebted to anyone willing to part with one if they have one available. Thanks, DG
  4. Thanks. Everything arrived safely. Wow soooo much. Where do I begin.
  5. Hello everyone. I'm just stopping by to say hello because it's been a while and to mention that I am super excited to be finally getting my vape package (4 new tanks, 2 new mods, and 1000 ml of juice) in about 30 minutes. The trip consisted of traveling from the vendor to my home of record, staying there for about 2 months, then mailed to a friends house staying there for another 2 weeks, then put in his suitcase. The suitcase traveled from Washington DC to Istanbul, Turkey, stayed there for 2 additional days due to flight cancellations and finally arrived in Erbil, Iraq. From there the package is being driven to Kirkuk, Iraq where I am anxiously awaiting it. Phew International snail mail at its best folks. No complaints here though, just happy to be receiving it. Have a great weekend everyone. DG
  6. Ya that device may be the one stop shop for me. I love my current Vapor Flask dna40 so I ordered the VF sx, but I still hear some owners having some problems. The Reuleaux is meant to be a solid backup for my VF sx but I think it may become the go to mod. Mine has just been delivered from Eciggity (but I won't get it until a friend delivers it to me in Iraq on Dec 5 ) Just bought the remainder of my order: 1. 500 ft of 26ga kanthal 2. OBS Crius RTA with the new velocity style deck 3. 1000ml of ejuice
  7. Just bought: 1. Reuleaux by JayBo Designs DNA 200 2. Vapor Flask SX350J 3. Uwell crown tank with RBA base 4. Bellus RTA 5. Aromamizer RDTA (6ml version bundle) 6. Six LGHE2 18650 batteries Still need to buy some juice and kanthal then order is complete. Happy days ahead.
  8. Hi all. I need a recommendation(s) for a juice vendor that sells quality juice in the 500ml capacity. I normally order Dr. Crimmy's strawberry/raspberry overdose 500ml and pay around $110 for it. I am looking for something around that price range if possible. I need to order large quantities due to my working overseas and do not have the opportunity to use a proper mailing system. Any recommendations would be highly appreciated. I know that I can order smaller amounts but in my experience it ends up costing a lot more than buying a larger amount just once. Thanks in advance, DG
  9. Let me know if it's any good. I may just get that one myself. I can't wait to get and try my new Squape RS. Vape mail finally comes in tomorrow afternoon. Been waiting a super long month.
  10. Done online from Iraq. Good luck Bushwick.
  11. I look forward to talking about my experience with temp control using the Velocity rda, the Squape Rs. I have put a lot of effort into reading/watching most reviews and am looking forward to a great experience. Have a great day everyone. DG
  12. Was lucky and just got an invitation to the Vapor Flask online store and just ordered a VF sx (350j chip). Super excited about this chip in the VF. This should tide me over until the dna200 sunami passes through the world.
  13. Oh and that Chutlu v2 looks awesome. I love the velocity rda post style cause it will work (i think as it looks) that you would still be able to use it with a single coil. I've never seen the chutlu before but I will definitely keep my eyes on it. Keep us posted on it as well.
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