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    McGeezy got a reaction from alumuscem in First Post   
    Hey all, just started vaping about a week ago, and so far haven't touched nor cravaed an analog. Bought an eGo-C Upgrade battery with a clearomizer to get started and I am loving it. Just ordered some more stuff online (liquids, clearomizers, liquids, accessories, etc.) as it is a bit cheaper than getting it in person. Looking forward to talking with you all.
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    McGeezy got a reaction from Synther in First Post   
    Hey all, just started vaping about a week ago, and so far haven't touched nor cravaed an analog. Bought an eGo-C Upgrade battery with a clearomizer to get started and I am loving it. Just ordered some more stuff online (liquids, clearomizers, liquids, accessories, etc.) as it is a bit cheaper than getting it in person. Looking forward to talking with you all.
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