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Everything posted by katherine

  1. Hey I am a brand new vaper - I went with two friends and we all got eGos three days ago. I adore mine, but one of my friends is coughing every time she vapes. She tried cranking down her nic but that didn't help. I just read that using an all VG liquid might solve her problem. Where do I find such a thing? Several sites I checked out dont tell you what's used. Also, do VG liquids have to be cut with anything? I read that they are a lot thicker than PG/VG blends. A hundred thanks for your help!
  2. Hey all! I just got an eGo at the recommendation of a friend who is major into his, and here it is day 3 and I love it! I smoked 2 packs of analog cigs a day and find that the vapor is working just fine for me. I'd much rather vape dr. pepper than suck on a dirty smelly cig! I love how fresh I feel now that I'm vaping! Now I'm starting the smokers quit cough - anyone know abt how long that lasts? Glad to meet ya! Katherine
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