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Everything posted by ECPMIKE

  1. We need a little more info to point you in the right direction but this may help. There are several different classes: Mods: modifiable variable voltage models fall within that price range Vamo, Joyetech eVic but these are more for advanced users and allow just about any type system Cartridge, Tank, Clearomizers, Cartomizers...etc. But they are big in size and not at all like a cigarette in appearance. They provide the best vapor production and control over taste, vapor and system choices. Cartridge type systems: Joyetech eGo-C or eCab about 40 - 80 bucks these will provide a cooler vapor and work good as a common starter kit but these though smaller are not cigarette size either. They are inexpensive to maintain and operate and you use bottled e-liquid and fill and refill small cartridges. Smaller size cigarette types: Joyetech eRoll are an excellent starter kit good for medium smokers and they are pretty fashionable with the mobile battery charging case which looks a bit like the iPhone and keeps the cigarette charged while not in use. These have the closest feel in size and weight to a real cigarette that I have tried so far. They produce great vapor for such a small device and really only downfall is small battery which may not last long enough for heavy smokers but I don't hear any complaints with these so far. Clearomizers systems: Vision CE4's are common get a couple Joyetech eGo twist or vision spinner batteries and basic charger and some Vision CE4s or a Mini Vivi nova and you're good to go. These provide rich warmer vapor and have tanks that store enough e-liquid to last the day and are very common among e-cig users. They do occasionally leak, give a burnt taste if you get a bum one but overall these are good my wife uses these daily. These are not recommended for thicker vg based e-liquids because the wicks have some trouble absorbing the liquid if it is too thick. 50/50 60/40 mixes work well. A lot of this is available right here in the Vapor Talk store There are so many systems and types that its really personal preference. You may only find what is best for you with a bit of trial and error.
  2. Try some Marshmallow believe it or not it does help some, EM or cotton candy is good to reduce tartness only a few drops or Mike is right it taste chemically for lack of a better word. Distilled water can go either way it surely reduces burnt taste if your having a problem with that but sometimes it can go the other way and create harshness.
  3. ohms law love it...I also have an electrical background and ohms law is so fitting to this. I believe there are actually some charts floating around that will show the intersecting points between voltage and resistance versus the sweet spot in taste. I'll see if I can find it again...and post it.
  4. I also have seen various ohm readings in different clearomizers, cartos etc that are all supposed to be the same, Using the wattage setting might actually help in these cases because it should attempt to maintain the desired current output as long as its only subtle differences in the resistances. I believe this to be the advantage of using wattage over the voltage setting on your mods, giving you a little better control but thats a whole other topic PG and VG ratio will always make a difference but once you settle on a ratio its a constant and should be something you can adjust for.
  5. because I no longer have to ask for a smoking room at the hotel that smells nasty because it actually taste good because i don't have to paint my house as often because my pets will live longer now
  6. They have soft caps that you can use in place of the hard caps that come with the ego t cartridges. You simply buy a pack of these then use a small screw driver and pop out the original hard cap and replace it with the small soft caps. These seal much better and should cut down on the leaking.
  7. We are into chocolates, caramels, peppermint and as of late I am kinda liking an apple mix
  8. Welcome to the forums if you have questions let us know.
  9. No need to get a new one if its still working for you just keep them clean and replace the coils once in a while
  10. It Looks like a great kit though, these are no name brand products so its hard to say if the quality is there. Look for a real Vision Kit or get Joyetech Batteries and a Charger and use them with Vision CE4 Rebuildable Clearomizers. We tried a lot of different ce4 clearomizers and batteries but there really is a difference with the name brands.
  11. I know it will screw in as i just tried it but I don't have one filled with e-liquid to test if it will vape ok. We have used standard atomizers with them and they work fine so I don't see why not but its not a great connection. Get yourself either a joyetech twist or spinner battery and an adapter cone for a finished look and you'll be sitting pretty and the variable voltage will allow you to tweak the vapor and flavor a bit.
  12. Haha, glad I didn't fall for that one. But heres a techinical answer if you care: The nicotine level listed for e-liquid is the number of milligrams of nicotine per milliliter in the E-Liquid. That means a 10ml bottle of 24mg nicotine e-liquid would have 240mg of nicotine in it (24mg x 10ml). Likewise, a 30ml bottle of 24mg e-liquid would have 720mg of nicotine in it (24mg x 30ml). Different brands of cigarettes vary in terms of their nicotine content. Normally nicotine constitutes approximately 0.6-3.0% of dry weight of tobacco in a cigarette. Obviously a longer 100ml cigarette has more nicotine in it than a standard or king size 84ml cigarette. For the most part, though, here is, for example, the amount of nicotine that is in a typical 84ml tobacco cigarette: If you smoke Regular cigarettes, like a Marlboro Red, for instance, there are approximately 1.2mg of nicotine in each cigarette, or 24mg of nicotine per pack (1.2mg x 20 cigarettes). If you smoke Light cigarettes, like a Marlboro Light, for instance, there are approximately 0.7mg of nicotine in each cigarette, or 14mg of nicotine per pack (0.7mg x 20 cigarettes). If you smoke Ultra Light cigarettes, like a Marlboro Ultra Light, for instance, there are approximately 0.5mg of nicotine in each cigarette, or 10mg of nicotine per pack (0.5mg x 20 cigarettes). When you refill your e-cartridges with e-liquid, you may need to know how much nicotine is contained in your refilling e-liquid. There are approximately 20 drops of e-liquid per milliliter. So, using 24mg nicotine e-liquid once again as an example, there would be 1.2mg of nicotine per drop (24mg/20 drops). So, if you put three drops of e-liquid onto a e-cartridge (or directly onto the atomizer for those of you that direct-drip), that means you will be taking in 3.6mg of nicotine from the time you start vaping until you top off again.
  13. Your Welcome, Of course thats just information we have acquired over the years from reading and researching this on forums and online. There are different schools of thought so you will find some variations on the above and quite a bit more information as you read through different things. There is a lot of uncharted territory when it comes to DIY what is good to use and not. There are some good sites for recipes one is called the Vape Book here: http://www.thevapebook.com/ It's actually quite fun to start making some of your own flavors and cost effective. There are a number of good shops online selling the right stuff and everything you need to successfully do this. Good Luck
  14. Ok first off not all PG and VG is created equal it took us months of trying all different types until we found the ones that actually taste right and have no additional additives. Some of the VG brands out there can be sourced from the Jatropha Plant which can be seriously dangerous see the link below . http://www.fda.gov/InternationalPrograms/InternationalCommunications/ucm311479.htm You should only use a specific PG from Dow company as it dosent contain Diethlyene Glycol You should only use a specific VG from Procter and Gamble as these are sourced from palm plants only and will not cause peanut allergies. You use Sucralose as the sweetener because its not effected by the heat of vaping and dosent change into something else when heated. It exits the body the same way it goes in and will not effect your blood sugar. No one know if any of this stuff is safe to vape but this is a common sweetener that nearly everyone uses and has used for a long time See the link below: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sucralose You should only use water souluble flavors from reputable flavor companies who are aware that people are using these flavors for vaping and have made sure to remove diacetyl and related diketone and / or are indicating which ones have which so you can avoid them. Also they should be freely willing to answer your questions and have nothing to hide Read this article it explains all about it: http://shop.perfumersapprentice.com/flavorsworkshop/custard.html Read the safety section here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diacetyl You should never exceed 25% flavor concentrations (preferably 5%-10%) and its recommended not to exceed 24mg of nicotine in any of your mixes. Never vape anything oil based it will collect in your lung tissue and cause damage. If any of your mixes make you cough or gag or cause severe sore throat you should toss it out and not use it. Stay away from that flavor as you may have an allergic reation to it. Hope this all help you and others
  15. Were not allowed to make any other claims other than it being an alternative thats why you see so many disclaimers on everyones sites. The FDA came down hard on Johnsons Creek some time ago because they had reviews that stated it helped them quit not even stuff they wrote themselves.
  16. That is some very logical thinking, I too have always believed that it may be best to vape flavors that we already commonly ingest as it seems this might have a better safety track record. Flavors like Chocolate, Peppermint, Spearmint, Coconut, Caramel(without custard notes) etc are so common in our daily lives that the little we get in our lungs might not be so bad and certainly would be less likely to cause allergic reactions. When food flavors are evaluated by FEMA GRAS one of the considerations is how common is the flavor going to be used in daily life? how much of this chemical is a person going to ingest in the course of a day year week.? So it would stand to reason that a flavor that is more common would have to meet a higher standard of safety or at least deeper consideration then then some of the other less commonly used flavors. Important to note is none of the flavors we eat are considered 100% safe as a result they are considered GRAS or Generally Recognised as Safe (key word generally) There is a large misconception about natural and artificial flavors everybody thinks natural is better but in reality natural flavors contain greater numbers of chemicals then the artificial counterparts do. A flavorist has over 4500 chemicals to choose from when creating flavors and the difference in artificial flavors is that the chemical responsible for creating that taste is isolated from all the other compounds that it may be found in nature with. The result is that you wind up vaping only one chemical when using artificial instead of the one responsible for the taste and the 10 other useless tasteless chemicals its sitting with in the natural compound. The other difference in artificial is that the compound responsible for the flavor could be found in several places in nature i.e raspberry compound could be found in the bark of some tree in africa or the leaves of a different plant(not really but illustrating here). It is sourced from wherever it is most abundant and easiest to extract but it is still chemically the exact same compound except now it is cleaner, stronger and by itself. Of course natural sounds better and I too gravitate to natural like everyone else, but I am not as afraid of artificial understanding more of what it really means. To finally address your concerns when it comes to flavors in vaping less is always better, the flavors are the great unknowns in e-liquid and you should try to keep the concentrations of those flavors as low as you're comfortable with. The problem is the lower the flavor the lower the satisfaction and everybody wants high flavor so start out where it is satisfying you and work your way down on both nicotine and flavoring over weeks and months.
  17. That was the key for us finding the right flavors once that happened it was a lot easier. We went threw all the different kits spending hundreds of dollars until we settled in on clearomizers and eGo batteries. You'll find yourself bouncing around as you build a collection of kit types from smaller cigarette sized ones to the larger mod sized ones all depending on your mood. In the end this is much more fun and actually taste good Congratulation to you and yours best of luck to you!
  18. Congratulation its really awesome, good luck on your vaping journey!
  19. hmmm you might have to boost your nic level a little bit for a couple more weeks. What level are you at now?
  20. Congratulation, Halo is an excellent company so good choice. Good luck on your Vaping Journey!
  21. I would recommend a Joyetech eGo-T Battery Mod 2200mAh everybody I know who has tried these and uses it loves it. It uses 18650 batteries that you can get from 2000mAh - 3600mAh. its a little bulky but not unbearable and still pretty light. Best thing about it is that depending on your vaping this thing could potentially last days on a single charge. If you want something thinner Joyetech or Vision 1000-1300mAh batteries are great and if you get them in Twist or Spinner versions you can adjust the voltage to adjust vapor and taste to your liking. I would pair these with Vision mini Vivi Nova or Vision CE4's or Kanger T2. A lot of folks like the newer Kanger T3 and EVODs but these IMO are better suited to more experienced vapers because of the occasional issues you can get with these. To answer your questions... Atomizers are basically for those that like to drip or are using the original 510 cartridges with the tissue material that you soak with e-liquid. You screw the atomizer on the battery drip a few drips into it and put a drip tip on it vape away. Problem is that it is only good for a few puff before needing a few more drips. It is said that this results in the best flavor and vapor by many. Its great for testing e-liquids so you don't waste clearomizers, tanks or e-liquid on flavors you don't like. Everyone should have an atomizer or two in their kits. We have had good luck with Bauway brand but of course everyone has different brands they like. Cartomizers combine the atomizer and the cartridge into one device. You soak the tissue material replace the drip and result in a longer time between refills probably more like 10-20 puffs of more. Arguably the best ones are made by Kanger, Boge, Smoktech. These are also available in prefilled versions but I think its best to use the empty ones so you can control which e-liquid you are vaping. Tanks are the combination of a cartomizer and a tank that surrounds the cartomizer the advantage is a very long time between refilling probably at least 1/2 day to 1-1/2 days or more Happy Vaping and Hope this helps
  22. The backing up thing seems to be the trend in this business. There is so many people I know that do this, I guess we never want to get caught short handed. Besides that a lot of this hardware can still be pretty unreliable so you never know if something is going to go down on you.
  23. We have used them and they are a solid company if your unhappy with the juice they will take it back which is rare in this industry
  24. A lot of people seem to gravitate to some variant of the following three components since your a menthol smoker you will get good satisfaction from e-liquid. I never smoked menthol regular cigarettes but I enjoy the menthol e-liquids Find a good E-Liquid: There are so many its hard to recommend which one to get but for the recommended devices below you should get either 60/40 or 50/50 PG/VG mixes because these are wicking systems and need the e-liquid to be thin enough to work correct. Some brands of E-Liquid that I have tried and found to be good but there are hundreds to choose from it will be trial and error to find one that suits you: Dekang (is popular) international Joyetech e-liquid (especially the Newport or Menthol) international Johnson Creek (a lot of tobacco type flavors) domestic Fresh Vapors (Peppermint) domestic ECBlends (Various flavors) domestic Halo (Tribecca Flavor) domestic Now to atomize the e-liquid use one of the following very easy to use devices you basically fill them with your favorite e-liquid and they hold about 1.5 - 2-5 ml which is good for the day for most vapers. Vision CE4 Clearomizers, Vision Vivi Nova Mini Kanger T3 To power the above use one of the following: Joyetech eGo Twist (adjustable voltage) in either 650mAh or 1000mAh for longer life Joyetech eGo-C Upgraded(non adjustable voltage) in either 650mAh or 1000mAh for longer life. Vision Spinners are good too if you can find them The adjustable voltage models allow you to tweak the taste, throat hit and vapor production. If you go too high on voltage you will get burnt taste and may burn out the atomizers so little adjustment at a time.3.5 - 3.7 volts is a good starting place. You'll also need a basic eGo USB Charger and Wall Adapter these are cheap Also you'll want to have spare batteries because as they age they don't last as long and this can start to happen within a month or two. A 650 mAh will last about 6hrs when new and down to 4hrs as it ages for a med to heavy vapor Above is the setups that we have used (my wife and I) for nearly six months now I hope this helps good luck
  25. PG and VG have good anti bacterial properties by themselves but I am not sure if those properties would be strong enough to counter anything you would develop by adding water to the e-liquid. I am not a big proponent of adding water to e-liquid but sometimes you have to add a small amount to thin it. This seems to be a popular practice, pure grain alcohol is another too. Pure VG is smoother but as a user of high vg e-liquid you'll find you develop more mucus because it coats the passageways more then the pg does. It is certainly smoother and will most likely stop the coughing but brings a world of problems to your hardware in the form of clogging leaking burning taste wicking problems because it is so thick. As long as you or her are not PG allergic try to go with higher concentration of vg more like 80%vg to 20%pg. There are a few vendors that claim to make 100% VG using flavor concentrates that use Natural & Organic Ethyl Alcohol as the flavor carrier instead of the typical PG and these do come out thin enough not to cause problems for hardware.
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